The term ‘flora’ is defined as all the naturally occurring native plants of a particular region. Fauna is all the animal life present in a particular place or at a particular time period. A major difference between flora and fauna is that flora is composed of plants whereas fauna refers to animals. When it comes to mobility, flora is immobile, whereas fauna can easily move from one place to another.
The primary difference between flora and fauna is that flora talks about the plant life of a region or a certain period whereas fauna represents the wildlife of a region or specific period.
Difference between Flora and Fauna –

- Flora is used to mean the collection of plant species in a particular geographical region or habitat. It refers to the natural vegetation in a specific geographical region like plants, fungi, algae, and more.
- Flora indicates all forms of plant life, more generally used to represent the plant life of a particular place.
- Flora can be defined as the plant life of a specific geographical location, or at a certain period.
- Flora is a Latin term, which implies the collection of native plants in an ecosystem, which grows in a geographical area or a certain period. It can be classified on the basis of region, period, climate etc.
- Flora makes their own food, by the process of photosynthesis.
- Fauna connotes the animal kingdom which can be found in a particular geographical location. It refers to the animals that live in a specific geographical region like animals, birds, microorganisms, and more.
- Fauna is all the animal life present in a particular place or at a particular time period. Fauna indicates all forms of animal life, more generally used to represent the animal life native to a particular place.
- Fauna denotes the wildlife, including birds, and micro-organisms that are found in a certain region or period.
- The term ‘fauna’ is a Greek origin which is named after a Roman goddess. It implies the group of animals that live in a particular geographical region, habitat or at a certain period of time. In short, it denotes the animal kingdom found in an area.
- Fauna cannot make their own food, and they are dependent on plants for their food, like herbivores and omnivorous animals.
The flora and fauna are economically important because of their contribution to tourism. In other words, they attract a lot of tourists. The study of flora is done in botany. As against, we study fauna in zoology.
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