
Assignment on Analysis of Customers Satisfaction A case Study on IFIC Bank Ltd

Assignment on  Analysis of Customers Satisfaction  A case Study on IFIC Bank Ltd



 An Analysis of Customers’ Satisfaction – A case Study on IFIC Bank Ltd.”

I am the student of BBA under Faculty of Business & Economics of Daffodil Int. University  conducting an Internship report survey about An analysis of Customers’ Satisfaction  -A case Study on IFIC  Bank Ltd.” and would like to know your views and opinions. Would you mind spending a few minutes to help me by completing this questionnaire? The data collected through the survey will be used for only developing the internship report and will not be disclosed elsewhere.


Please put the tick (√) marks in the appropriate box.


1. Gender

 Male                          Female

2. Age

 15-30 yrs                   31-45 yrs                        46-60 yrs                 more than 60

3. Occupation:

 Service holder           Business person               others…………….

Strongly   Agree    Neutral    Disagree   Strongly

Agree                                                      Disagree


4.   When IFIC  Bank ltd promises to do something

by a certain time, it does so…………………       5          4             3           2          1

5.   When you have a problem, IFIC Bank ltd shows

a sincere interest in solving your problems….       5          4             3           2           1

6.   IFIC  Bank ltd performs the right service at

first time……………………………………..       5          4              3           2           1

7.   IFIC  Bank ltd. provides its services at the time

it promises to do so……………………………    5          4              3           2           1

8.   IFIC  Bank ltd. keeps you informed about when

services will be performed…………………..       5           4             3          2            1

9.   The employees in IFIC  Bank give you prompt

Service……………………………………….     5            4             3           2          1


10. The employees in IFIC  Bank always willing

to help you……………………………………     5           4              3           2          1


11. The employees in IFIC  Bank are never

too busy to respond to your request………….      5           4              3           2          1

12.   The behavior of the employees of the

IFIC  Bank inspires confidence in you………   5             4              3          2          1

13. You feel safe in your transactions

with IFIC  Bank ltd …………………………     5            4               3          2          1


14. The employees in IFIC  Bank consistently

courteous with you…………………………..     5            4               3          2           1


15. The employees in IFIC  Bank have the

knowledge to answer your questions……….     5            4               3          2           1


16. IFIC  Bank ltd gives you individual attention…  5            4               3          2           1


17. IFIC  Bank has employees who give you

individual attention…………………………       5            4               3           2          1


18. IFIC  Bank has your best interests at heart….     5            4               3           2         1


19. The employees in IFIC  Bank understand

your specific needs…………………………       5            4                3          2          1


20. IFIC  Bank has modern-looking and hi-tech

equipments………………………………….       5            4                3          2          1

21. IFIC  Bank’s physical facilities are visually

appealing……………………………………       5             4               3           2         1

22. The employees of the IFIC  Bank appear neat…5            4                3          2           1


23. Materials associated with the service

are visually appealing at the IFIC  Bank ltd        5            4                 3          2          1

24. IFIC  Bank has convenient business hours…     5            4                 3          2          1                                     


25. How satisfied are you with the behavior

of IFIC  Bank’s staff …………………………    5              4              3            2             1

26. How satisfied are you with the product

knowledge of IFIC  Bank’s staffs……………      5              4               3           2             1


27. How satisfied are you with the fees/service

charges of the IFIC  Bank……………………… 5              4               3            2            1


28. How satisfied are you with the way you

receive your statements…………………………   5              4               3             2            1

29. How satisfied are you with the cheque

book/ delivery………………………………         5              4               3            2            1

30. How satisfied are you with the way IFIC

bank’s issue/cash fixed deposits  ……………       5              4               3            2            1

31. How satisfied are you with the time you have

to wait for a service at IFIC  Bank’s branches….. 5              4               3             2          1


32. How do you feel when you go to a IFIC  Bank’s branch…………………………………..

1. Warm welcome        2. Neutral        3. Ignored


33. Would you recommended IFIC  Bank to your relatives/ friends/colleagues…………………


          1. Yes                           2. No