It is a broadly described annual report of Singer Bangladesh Limited in the year of 2012. On a consolidated basis for the year 2012, revenue reached at Taka. 6,703 million which was higher by 22.74 % over the previous year’s revenue of Taka. 5,461 million. The gross profit for the year under review was Taka 1,810 million as against Taka 1,401 million in the previous year. Operating profit (profit before taxes excluding other income) at Taka. 762 million was higher by 51.53 % over the previous year’s operating profit of Taka. 503 million. Net profit for the year at Taka. 490 million was higher by 22.72 % over the previous year’s net profit of Taka. 399 million.
The Board of Directors recommended the final dividend of Taka. 7.50 per share for the year ended December 31, 2012, making a total dividend of Taka. 15 (2011 Taka. 3.00 per share) including interim dividend Taka. 5.00 per share. The total dividend per share for 2012 was 400% up compared to the prior year.
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