
Acknowledgement Receipt Format of Domestic Gas Connection

Acknowledgement Receipt Format of Domestic Gas Connection

Acknowledgement Receipt Format of Domestic Gas Connection

Account No: xxxxxxxxxx

Application Date: dd-mm-yy

To:  (Name: XYZ)

Father Name: ZZZ

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We acknowledge with thanks your application for Domestic Gas Connection, confirming that company’s distribution network exists in the said (locality or area name) and line pipe is also operational in front of the premise at

Address: House No: xx, Road No: xx, Holding No: xx, Area Code: xxxx

City Name:

Telephone No: 000xxxxxxx

Cell No: 000xxxxxxx

Email: [email protected]

We will now ourselves contact you after two months; provided our gas network exists in front of the above premises and also that provision of gas connection is technically and operationally viable there. If however, upon site survey, it is observed that our gas main does not presently exist in front of the said premises or it is technically and operationally not viable to provide gas connection, your application shall be treated as invalid for further consideration.

Meanwhile assuring you of our best services and cooperation.

Yours Faithfully,

(Company/Organization Name)
