Wildlife rescue workers are working hard in Indonesia following an investigation into the capture of a local Orangutan by a farmer in the Sebomban River region in February.
It is illegal to keep orangutans in the area, so the Wildlife Rescue Unit (WRU) of the Natural Resources Conservation Organization (BKSDA) and the International Animal Rescue (IAR) has taken steps to rescue the young animal. The baby orangutan trapped only 50 by 40 centimeters (15 by 20 inches) inside a small cage where he recovered, according to Bomban. The baby orangutan thought to have captured here three months before the rescue team arrived who came to the farmer and successfully freed the bomber from his cage.
One of the threats facing orangutans is that their babies hunted for pet trade or tourism, and a medical examination suggests that the bomber’s mother probably met the same fate. An X-ray conducted by IAR’s medical team used several shots from an air rifle lodged in the bomber’s right thigh, which supports the theory that he forced instead.

Moreover, he fed an unsuitable diet for a young orangutan, which consisted mostly of rice, cucumber and condensed milk. “Keeping orangutans as pet’s starts from hunting. In a statement sent to IFLScience, IAR Indonesia program director Carmel El Sanchez said that, in general, mother Orangutan killed in order to take her baby. “Our education was working in the place where the bombs were kept and they clearly told the rural community that it was illegal to keep orangutans as pets.
In addition, in cases where people still neglect the law or choose to condemn it, our rescue team is ready to work with BKSDA as well as at any time of the day or night and rescue captive orangutans like bombs.” Despite his narrow lifestyle and low diet, Bomban was fortunately in good health and believed to be one year old. The IAR will continue to monitor his health and continue the necessary treatment as he checks at their headquarters to verify the patient’s symptoms, including the 6-week isolation period, which may be dangerous to orangutans or humans.
“It is very encouraging that local villagers learned of the child’s existence so that he could be rescued and given a second chance at a wild and free life,” IAR chief executive Alan Knight told the OBE in a statement. “Once out of quarantine, he will begin his long-term rehabilitation to help her learn the skills that her mother taught her during her formative years.
At our Orangutan Conservation Center, we have 100 orangutans in our care at various stages of our rehabilitation. When the time is right, the bomber will join them and begin his journey back to the forest.” IAR was also responsible for rescuing and rebuilding 30, Javanese slow Lorries in Halimun Salak National Park. Of course, the slow Lorries were not aware that the IAR was helping them, and in the fun scenes that came out of the reserve with the slow release of the Loris Rage ever published, you can follow and support the IAR ongoing work here.