Xerneas, the Generation 6 Legendary Pokemon, has returned to Pokemon Go Raids, and gamers are excited to add this formidable Pokemon to their teams. Trainers must be well-prepared with the appropriate counters and plans in order to successfully beat and capture Xerneas.
Xerneas may be obtained only by beating it in a 5-Star Raid and then catching it. In the game, this is the only way to obtain Xerneas. Legendary Pokemon are brought back at least once a year by the 5-Star Raid rotation, allowing players to complete their Pokedex.
The Xerneas 5-Star Raids are accessible in Pokemon Go from August 16 to August 23, and then again from August 27 to September 1. During this period, users will also be able to engage in Mega Rayquaza Raids as well as Groudon and Kyogre Primal Raids, which will be featured during Pokemon Go Fest 2023.

Xerneas is a pure Fairy-type Pokemon and the strongest Fairy-type choice in Pokemon Go’s Master League. It is solely vulnerable to Poison and Steel assaults. Xerneas is also immune to Dragon-type moves and can withstand Fighting Bug, and Dark-type strikes.
Trainers can use a variety of powerful Poison and Steel-type Pokemon to effectively counter Xerneas in Raids. Metagross, Mega Gengar, Beedrill, Scizor, Aggron, Steelix, Roserade, Venusaur, Nihilego, and Excadrill are some of the greatest counters. Most of these Pokemon can also Mega Evolve for increased battle power.
In Pokemon Go, Xerneas has the following moves: Tackle, Zen Headbutt, Megahorn, Thunder, Moonblast, Close Combat, and Giga Impact. To optimize damage output, Xerneas’ moveset should include both Tackle and Giga Impact.
Shiny Xerneas can be found in Pokemon Go with a 5% chance after beating it in a 5-Star Raid. Shiny Legendaries have a 100% capture rate, which means that no berries are required to assure a successful catch.
Now that you’ve learned everything there is to know about Xerneas in Pokemon Go, you can plan your strategy and create the best team to fight this Legendary Pokemon and add it to your collection. Trainers, best wishes!