When you live in an area filled with pointed branches ready to poke your eye out, walking about with your googlies on display might be difficult. Okapis have developed an astonishing method of avoiding eye damage by sucking their vision balls back into their skulls to circumvent this work hazard.
The very revolting – but unquestionably efficient – approach allows them to walk through dense plants without needing to wear protective lenses to protect their eyes.
Our people are our most valuable asset, and it is through their ideas, talents, and enthusiasm that we are able to realize our vision of a world where wildlife flourishes. At ZSL, a community of individuals who are inspired, educated and empowered work, study, and volunteer together.

Oklahoma City Zoo caught this eye-sucking activity on camera and released it to their TikTok account. One of their residents proudly pushes its peepers back into its skull, enabling its nictitating membrane to sweep over its eyeball.
Nititating membranes, often known as the “third eyelid,” are found in a variety of species, including tree frogs, and assist to keep eyes wet and healthy.
Okapis, which resemble a cross between a deer and a zebra, are unique species with a variety of adaptations that make them ideal for living in the Congolese jungles.
Their black upper body coat helps them blend in with their environment since it matches the low light of the thick jungle. Their zebra-striped legs also assist calves to stay with their moms while on the move by breaking up their silhouette in the foliage.
Okapis knew for their lengthy tongues, which may reach 30 centimeters (12 inches), and can clean practically any area of their body even their eyes. The useful appendage also extends its reach when foraging, and its black hue protects it from being sunburned when wagging around in the sunlight.
In the animal realm, there is a lot of eyeball retraction going on, but some species are better at it than others are. The guitarfish’s eye can retract 37.3 millimeters (1.5 inches), while our own eyes (as well as those of guinea pigs and rabbits) can only retract 1.5 millimeters (0.06 inch) during a blink, something to think about tonight while you attempt to sleep!