OtherSatellite Television Channel – Not an Unmixed Blessing Satellite TV Channels are the most widespread modes of entertainment in the present world. These channels have a great contribution to our knowledge and education.…
OtherUses and Abuses of Internet Uses and Abuses of Internet Internet is a modern international computer network. It is a speedy transmitting system of information with the help of computer…
OtherAbuse of Drugs The drug is an essential element of human life. But abuse of drugs has a devastating impact on life. The word drug means medicine which…
OtherAdvantages and Disadvantages of City Life It is true that modern civilization is mostly projected in city life. All kinds of modern amenities are found in cities. The city offers the…
OtherStudents’ Participation in Nation Building Tasks Students should participate in nation building tasks. Side by side with their studies they can easily take part in nation building, tasks. They can participate…
OtherDrug Addiction – Curse on Humanity Drug refers to some kind of medicine or substance that has an effect on our body. When a drug is taken as medicine it cures…
OtherPopulation of Bangladesh – A Problem or Prospect Bangladesh is a small country but its population is very large. It is the most densely populated country in the world. It is going to…
OtherFemale Education – A Necessity for Social Development Education is the backbone of a nation. It is beyond doubt that female education is necessary for the development of a society. The prosperity of…
OtherSeasons of Bangladesh The Seasons of Bangladesh In Bangladesh, there are six seasons. They are summer, autumn, late autumn, winter, spring and rainy, season. Usually, two Bengali months…
OtherA Village Fair A Village fair is a colorful exhibition held in a particular place of the village with shows and entertainments. It is a small but colorful…
OtherA Very Useful Insect – Bee The bee is a small Insect. It is very active. It has six legs, four wings, and two stings. It flies on the wings. It…
OtherThe Horse – Wonderful Creature The horse is a domestic and faithful animal. It is very trusted to its master. It is very strong and runs very fast. Its legs…