TechnologyAdiabatic Quantum Motor An adiabatic quantum motor is a hypothetical device that uses quantum mechanics principles to convert energy from one form to another. It is a mechanical…
ZoologyClimate Change may Affect the Southern Ocean Ecology and Disrupt the Life Cycle of the “Sea Butterfly” One-fourth of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are absorbed by the oceans. As a result of CO2 and saltwater reaction during absorption, ocean pH levels…
EngineeringIgnition System Heat engines use ignition systems to start combustion by igniting the fuel-air mixture. It is a critical component of an internal combustion engine that initiates…
BiologyResearchers Find a Method to Enhance Nonviral Gene Editing and a Brand-New Kind of DNA Repair A potent tool for both research and medicine, gene editing. Since the invention of the Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR/Cas9 technology, a speedy and precise tool for…
PhysicsMagnetic Levitation Magnetic levitation (maglev) or magnetic suspension is a method of suspending an object using only magnetic fields as support. It is a technique for suspending…
PhysicsBolt of Understanding for Lightning-Produced X-Rays from Mathematical Model Scientists noticed a lightning discharge in the early 2000s that produced X-rays with high energy photons similar to those used in medical imaging. Although scientists…
PhysicsPulsed Plasma Thruster A plasma jet engine, also known as a pulsed plasma thruster (PPT), is a type of electric spacecraft propulsion. It is an electric propulsion system…
TechnologyMicromotor Micromotors are tiny particles (measured in microns) that can move on their own. It is a small-scale motor that is compact and operates at a…
EngineeringFlat Plate Bow Covers Improve Ship Aerodynamics and Allow for More Economical Shipping Because they are effective and efficient, ships are the primary means of transportation for international trade. Enhancing a ship’s aerodynamic performance could increase speed and…
Modern CivilizationSelf-Driving Car Computers may be a Significant Contributor to the World’s Carbon Emissions Future energy requirements to power the potent computers on board a worldwide fleet of autonomous vehicles may equal the current global data center emissions in…
TechnologyNanomotor A molecular or nanoscale device capable of converting energy into movement is known as a nanomotor. It is capable of producing forces on the order…
Plants and AnimalsResearchers Use Underwater Microscopes to Monitor Endangered Nassau Grouper Eggs Each winter, tens of thousands of critically endangered Nassau grouper congregate to spawn under the light of the full moon off the western coast of…