Acoustic Contrast Factor

Acoustic Contrast Factor

The acoustic contrast factor is a number used to describe the relationship between the densities and the sound velocities (or, equivalently because of the form…
The Beam Quality of a Semiconductor Laser can be Enhanced by a Straightforward Shape Adjustment

The Beam Quality of a Semiconductor Laser can be Enhanced by a Straightforward Shape Adjustment

Scientists from KAUST have shown how small semiconductor lasers may be easily modified to make them more useful for lighting and holography. The study has…
Acoustic Tweezers

Acoustic Tweezers

Acoustic tweezers (or acoustical tweezers) are used to manipulate the position and movement of very small objects with sound waves. It refer to a technology…
Radiation Pressure

Radiation Pressure

Radiation pressure (also known as light pressure) is the mechanical pressure exerted on any surface as a result of the object’s momentum exchange with the…
A Device Adopted from Astronomy Aids in the Detection of Unique Quantum Interference Phenomena

A Device Adopted from Astronomy Aids in the Detection of Unique Quantum Interference Phenomena

Quantum interference refers to the phenomenon in quantum mechanics where the wave nature of particles leads to constructive or destructive interference. It is a fundamental…
Acoustic Levitation

Acoustic Levitation

Acoustic levitation is a fascinating phenomenon that involves suspending and manipulating objects in mid-air using sound waves. It is a technique for suspending matter in…
Molecular Machines

Molecular Machines

Molecular machines are artificial or natural structures made up of individual molecules or molecular components. These are a type of molecule that is typically described…
Magnon-Based Computation May Indicate a Shift in the Computing Paradigm

Magnon-Based Computation May Indicate a Shift in the Computing Paradigm

Magnonics is an engineering subfield that strives to develop information technology in terms of speed, device architecture, and energy usage, similar to electronics or photonics.…
Superconducting Amplifiers Provide High Performance While Consuming Less Power

Superconducting Amplifiers Provide High Performance While Consuming Less Power

In order to use radio wave detectors for radio astronomy observations, researchers have developed a new concept for superconducting microwave low-noise amplifiers. They have also…
Using Liquid Crystal Droplets to Visualize the Spatial Distribution of Electric Properties at Microscales

Using Liquid Crystal Droplets to Visualize the Spatial Distribution of Electric Properties at Microscales

The use of and research into micron-sized electrical components like microelectrodes, sensors, and actuators that are integrated into computer and smartphone chips is known as…
A Researcher Investigates How Vacation Homes Affect the Utilization of Agricultural Land

A Researcher Investigates How Vacation Homes Affect the Utilization of Agricultural Land

At Columbia County, New York, where his family farms, Charles Towe, an associate professor of agricultural and resource economics at the College of Agriculture, Health…


Nanomechanics is a science and engineering discipline that studies the mechanical behavior of systems at the nanoscale. It entails investigating the behavior of materials and…
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