Benefits of Cinnamon

Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both sweet and savoury foods.…
Know about Glycemic Index

Know about Glycemic Index

Glycemic Index is a measurement carried out on carbohydrate containing foods and their impact on our blood sugar. GI is a comparatively novel technique of…
Sinus Tract

Sinus Tract

Sinus tract formation is general in a broad range of wounds and can be complicated to manage. Nonsurgical techniques for treating sinus tracts have usually…
Effects of Alcohol

Effects of Alcohol

Alcohol is a bad habit. Alcohol is very harmful for our happy healthy life. An alcohol is any organic complex in which the hydroxyl functional…
Candida Symptoms

Candida Symptoms

The principle objective of this article is to discuss about candida symptoms. Candida is a type of yeasts and is the most general cause of…
Treatment of Hernia

Treatment of Hernia

A hernia happens when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are usually contained. These contents, typically portions of…
Define on Bacteria

Define on Bacteria

Bacteria are solitary celled microbes. The cell structure is simpler than that of other organisms as there is no nucleus or membrane bound organelles. Instead…
Treat Internal Hemorrhage

Treat Internal Hemorrhage

Internal hemorrhage is a loss of blood that occurs from the vascular system into a body cavity or space. It is a serious medical emergency…
Transaction Cost

Transaction Cost

Transaction Cost expenses incurred when selling or buying securities. Transaction expenses include broker’s income and spreads. The transaction cost to buyers and sellers include the…
Endowment Effect

Endowment Effect

The endowment effect talks about a circumstance during which an individual values something they already own more than something which they don’t yet own. Sometimes…
Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory is a theory that people value gains and losses differently and, as such, will base decisions on perceived gains rather than perceived losses. Prospect theory…
Precautionary Principle

Precautionary Principle

The term “precautionary principle” is usually considered to include arisen in English at a translation of the German term Vorsorgeprinzip inside 1980s. The precautionary principle…
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