Balance of Payments

Balance of Payments

The balance of payments (BOP) is the method countries make use of to monitor just all international monetary transactions at the specific period of time.…
Net Capital Outflow

Net Capital Outflow

Net Capital Outflow is the movement of assets from a country. Capital outflow is recognized as undesirable and final results from political as well as…
Capital Account

Capital Account

Capital Account is a national account that shows net change in asset ownership for the nation. The capital account will be the net result of…
Vote Counting System Analysis
Political Science

Vote Counting System Analysis

In vote counting system manual counting has a physical ballot that will represents voter intention. The physical ballots are read and translated; then results are…
Bank Tax

Bank Tax

The bank tax is a tax on banks. One of the first modern uses of the term “bank tax” occurred inside the context of the…
Capital Levy

Capital Levy

Capital levy is the form of taxation where the government takes section of the capital of any individual or business, as distinguished coming from a…
Capital Good

Capital Good

Capital Good is a tangible assets that an organization uses to generate goods or services for instance office buildings, apparatus and machinery. Consumer goods are…
Capital Cost

Capital Cost

Capital Cost is one-time setup cost of the plant, after which there will only be recurring operational or running fees. Capital cost are fixed, one-time…
Buffer Stock Scheme

Buffer Stock Scheme

Any buffer stock scheme is an attempt to use commodity storage for purposes of stabilizing prices within an entire economy or even, more commonly, an…
Break-even Definition

Break-even Definition

Break-even Point is the point at which gains equal deficits. In options break-even signifies, the market price which a stock must grab option buyers to…
Offshore Fund

Offshore Fund

An offshore fund is a term which generally refers to a collective expense scheme domiciled within the offshore jurisdiction. Much like the term “offshore company”,…
Flash Trading

Flash Trading

Flash Trading is a controversial computerized trading practice offered by some stock exchanges. Flash trading uses of highly sophisticated high-speed computer technology to permit traders…
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