Educational Inequality

Educational Inequality

Educational inequality starts early on, before a kid even starts study. Educational Inequality is the difference in the learning results, or efficiency, experienced by students…
Global Justice
Political Science

Global Justice

Global justice is an issue in political philosophy due to the concern which the world at huge is unjust. The broader philosophical context in the…
Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief Worldwide is an international humanitarian operation. As the world-wide implementing and coordinating partner from the Islamic Relief family, it provides advancement programs and…
Poverty Reduction

Poverty Reduction

Poverty reduction is a term that describes the promotion of varied measures, both economical and humanitarian, that could permanently lift people beyond poverty. Poverty reduction…
Social Inequality

Social Inequality

Social inequality is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or community. Social inequality happens when…
Redistribution of Income

Redistribution of Income

Redistribution of income and redistribution of wealth are respectively transfer of income and of wealth from many people to others by way of a social…
Inequity Aversion

Inequity Aversion

Inequity aversion is the preference for fairness and resistance to incidental inequalities. The particular social sciences which study inequity aversion include things like sociology, economics,…
Wealth Concentration

Wealth Concentration

The necessary condition for the phenomenon of wealth concentration that occurs is an unequal initial distribution associated with wealth. Wealth concentration is a process by…
Distribution of Wealth

Distribution of Wealth

The distribution of wealth is a comparison of the wealth of various members or groups in a society. It differs on the distribution of income…
Income Distribution

Income Distribution

Income distribution is the smoothness or equality with which income is dealt away among members of an society. Income distribution have invariably been a central…
Discouraged worker

Discouraged worker

Discouraged Worker is a person who is eligible to employment and has the capacity to work, but is currently unemployed and it has not attempted…
Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance is a program managed from the Social Security Supervision that insures a worker regarding a mishap. Disability insurance provides income protection to people…
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