SociologyAge Stratification in Sociology Age stratification in sociology refers to the hierarchical classification of people into age groups within a society. The division of a population into different age…
ArchitectureDymaxion House The Dymaxion House is a one-of-a-kind and innovative housing design by renowned American inventor and architect Buckminster Fuller. Buckminster Fuller, an inventor, and architect, created…
ChemistryComplex Metal Complexes have a “Cheat Sheet” Summarizing their Structure and Behavior Published Complex metal compounds, also known as coordination compounds or coordination complexes, are molecules that contain a central metal ion or atom surrounded by a group…
ArchitectureLustron Houses Lustron houses are prefabricated enameled steel houses developed in the post-World War II United States by Chicago industrialist and inventor Carl Strandlund in response to…
ChemistryUsing Field Emission Microscopy, One may Visualize the Electronic Molecular Orbitals of Single Molecules Electronic molecular orbitals are quantum mechanical descriptions of the distribution of electrons in a molecule. They are obtained through the process of solving the Schrödinger…
TechnologySolar Tracker A solar tracker is a device that points a payload in the direction of the Sun. Payloads are typically solar panels, parabolic troughs, fresnel reflectors,…
AstronomyThe Green Bank Telescope Discovered a Brand-New Millisecond Pulsar University of California Berkeley and Columbia University astronomers have discovered a brand-new binary millisecond pulsar using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The recently discovered pulsar,…
AstronomySimulating the Geology and Hydrology of Mars will Help to Reveal its Mysteries Humans have been fascinated by Mars probably since the first of the species turned their gaze to the night sky. Space exploration today attests to…
AstronomyNew Galaxy Distance Measurement Technique is Proposed by Astronomers There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, and for nearby galaxies, classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae (RR Lyr) stars are the primary…
EnvironmentImproved Climate Predictions from Pond Greenhouse Gas Measurements Significant volumes of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere by shallow lakes and ponds, but these emissions vary widely and are poorly understood. The…
TechnologyCentral Solar Heating Central solar heating is the use of solar energy to provide central heating and hot water via a system in which the water is heated…
SociologySocial Stratification Social stratification is the division of a society’s people into groups based on socioeconomic factors such as wealth, income, race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation, social…