Political Science


The theory behind technocapitalism is section of a line connected with thought that applies science and technology for the evolution of capitalism. At the core…
Political Science


Post-capitalism includes several proposals for a fresh economic system to switch capitalism. According to some Classical Marxist and a few social evolutionary hypotheses, post-capitalist society…
Psychological Trauma

Psychological Trauma

Psychologically traumatic or psychological trauma experiences frequently involve physical tension that threatens an individual’s survival and good sense of security. Usual causes and hazards of psychological…
Posttraumatic Growth

Posttraumatic Growth

Calhoun and Tedeschi (2006) pioneered the idea of Posttraumatic Growth, a construct of positive psychological change that comes about as the effect of one’s struggle…
Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is a controversial term, in that many individuals use the expression liberally to reference any set regarding positive attributes in which helps a…
Psychological Resilience Observation

Psychological Resilience Observation

One common misapprehension is that resilient people are free from unfavorable emotions or ideas, remaining optimistic in most or all predicaments. Psychological resilience is understood…
Stress Management

Stress Management

Pressure produces numerous real and mental indicators which vary according to each individual’s situational factors. These can include physical health decline in addition to depression.…
Information Pollution
Modern Civilization

Information Pollution

Information pollution (also called “info pollution”) is the contamination of data supply with inconsequential, redundant, unsolicited and low-value information. The spread associated with useless and…
Political Machine

Political Machine

The term “political machine” dates back to the 20th century in the United States, where such organizations have existed in some municipalities and states since…
Security Engineering

Security Engineering

Security engineering involves aspects of social science, psychology such as designing a system. Security engineering is a specialized field associated with engineering that focuses on the…
Information Revolution
Modern Civilization

Information Revolution

The primary feature of the information revolution is the growing economic, social and technological role of information. Information-related activities did not think of the Information…
Industrial Society

Industrial Society

Industrial society is characterized by means of external energy solutions, such as fossil powers, to increase the rate and degree of production. With sociology, industrial…
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