EnvironmentCarbon Footprint or Greenhouse gas footprint The carbon footprint (also known as the greenhouse gas footprint) compares the overall quantity of greenhouse gases emitted by an activity, product, firm, or country.…
Political ScienceBorder Control Border control refers to government policies that monitor and regulate the movement of people, animals, and goods across land, air, and sea boundaries. It refers…
Plants and AnimalsMany Genes are Involved in ‘Resurrection,’ According to the Genome of a Drought-Tolerant Plant Some plants can go for months without water before turning green once more in a little downpour. A “miracle gene,” as demonstrated, does not cause…
Political ScienceEnvironmental Migrants People who are compelled to leave their home region owing to rapid or long-term changes in their local or regional environment are referred to as…
AstronomyDelivered to a Satellite Manufacturer is the First Satellite Navigation Device Intended for Lunar Orbit For installation on the Lunar Pathfinder spacecraft, the first satellite navigation system (SatNav) receiver created for lunar orbit has been delivered to satellite manufacturer Surrey…
AstronomyWatching a Big Star Die While Capturing the Full Process of a Tera-Electron Volt Gamma-Ray Burst A tera-electron volt (TeV) gamma-ray burst refers to a type of extremely high-energy astronomical phenomenon involving gamma-ray radiation with energy levels on the order of…
AstronomyUtilizing Photosynthesis for Martian Settlement While Increasing the Sustainability of Space Travel The moon and Mars could have additional life support systems thanks to sustainable solar power harvesting technologies being developed by researchers. While the concept of…
TechnologyCity Development could Derail the Future of Air Taxis The success and broad adoption of air taxis in urban contexts may confront a number of problems, with metropolitan buildings posing considerable challenges. Although air…
GeographyTrees in Hurricane-Prone Areas Have a Strong Ability to Survive Despite Serious Damage Researchers from Harvard and Clemson universities gazed out the window as their low-flying aircraft approached the airport on the island of Dominica and noticed kilometers…
AgriculturePrecision Viticulture Precision viticulture is the use of precision farming to enhance vineyard performance, specifically grape output and quality while minimizing environmental effect and risk. It is…
AstronomyThe Enigmatic Behavior of Betelgeuse is Still Present; Here, what would Occur if it Erupted Orion’s brilliant, crimson star Betelgeuse has exhibited some peculiar behavior lately. It got fainter in the latter part of 2019 and 2020 than it had…
ChemistryLime Softening Lime softening is a type of water softening treatment that involves the addition of limewater (calcium hydroxide) to reduce hardness (calcium and magnesium salt deposits)…