Water Managers Caution that Without Additional Rain, Portions of the Rio Grande will Dry Up

Water Managers Caution that Without Additional Rain, Portions of the Rio Grande will Dry Up

One of North America’s longest rivers is once again in bad form due to the continued drought and extreme heat, forcing water managers to issue…
Dryland Farming

Dryland Farming

Dryland farming and dry farming are agricultural strategies for non-irrigated crop cultivation. It is a type of agriculture used in areas with low water availability,…
New Information on the Motor Neuron Loss Caused by Protein in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

New Information on the Motor Neuron Loss Caused by Protein in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Numerous neurological connections between the brain and spinal cord regulate our motions. Specifically, the cerebral cortex’s neurons transmit instructions to the spinal cord’s motor neurons,…
Virtual Testing of Genuine Driverless Automobiles

Virtual Testing of Genuine Driverless Automobiles

Real driverless automobiles are tested in a virtual environment, which is an important stage in the development and validation of autonomous vehicle technology. Researchers have…
Positive Phase I Trial Results for Cell Therapy that Repairs Cornea Damage Using Patient’s Own Stem Cells

Positive Phase I Trial Results for Cell Therapy that Repairs Cornea Damage Using Patient’s Own Stem Cells

Four patients with severe chemical burns to one eye underwent a phase I trial of a novel stem cell therapy called cultivated autologous limbal epithelial…
Self-driving Cars may cause Traffic Congestion

Self-driving Cars may cause Traffic Congestion

Depending on how they are deployed and integrated into the transportation system, self-driving cars have the potential to both enhance and aggravate traffic problems. According…
According to the Study, as a result of the Impact on Everything from Agriculture to Health, the Cost of Carbon has Increased Dramatically

According to the Study, as a result of the Impact on Everything from Agriculture to Health, the Cost of Carbon has Increased Dramatically

Solar power will quickly surpass hydropower in importance and take over from it as one of Africa’s primary sources of electricity. Due to the rising…
A Flexible and Friendly Workplace Culture Facilitates Remote Work

A Flexible and Friendly Workplace Culture Facilitates Remote Work

A flexible and supportive organizational culture is absolutely necessary for the success of remote work arrangements. Remote employment has the potential to blur the distinction…
The Cost of Carbon Emissions to Global Economies has been Determined to be 4 Times Higher than it was 10 Years Ago

The Cost of Carbon Emissions to Global Economies has been Determined to be 4 Times Higher than it was 10 Years Ago

According to a recently released report from the University of Sussex Business School, every ton of carbon is now four times more harmful to the…
Monitoring Traffic Conditions with Cameras Mounted on Transit Buses

Monitoring Traffic Conditions with Cameras Mounted on Transit Buses

Using cameras on transit buses to monitor traffic conditions is a practical and cost-effective technique to acquire real-time traffic data. Researchers have developed a revolutionary…
Following the Dismissal of the Patagonia v. Ventura County litigation, Forest Thinning on Pine Mountain can Proceed
Plants and Animals

Following the Dismissal of the Patagonia v. Ventura County litigation, Forest Thinning on Pine Mountain can Proceed

It has been impossible to prevent the U.S. Forest Service from using chain saws in a region of the Los Padres National Forest that is…
A Brief Examination of the Human Body

A Brief Examination of the Human Body

A brief examination of the human body reveals a sophisticated and well-organized biological system. Physicists have developed a novel imaging technology suitable for human usage.…
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