
The Surface of Venus Might be Broken in Shuffling Chunks

The Surface of Venus Might be Broken in Shuffling Chunks

No other solid body in the solar system has hips like the Earth. Mercury to Mars as well as many moons has a groove in a piece of most of the earth. Instead of having tectonics on our planet, the vast plates continue to center the molten upper mantle. Another exception to the single-block surface could be Venus, new evidence says. Just by looking at their size you can think that Earth and Venus are twins. Even an instant look at both planets shows that they are dramatically different.

Venus is covered in an extremely dense acidic atmosphere where temperatures are sufficient to melt lead. Due to the dense clouds that cover the entire planet, its surface is known only to us for radar observation. An analysis published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that Venus may have a lithosphere – called the rocky outer part of a planet – that it is fragmented. These are not like the tectonic plates of the earth that can move on top of each other. The team describes them as resembling packaged ice, so they may be upset about the geological phenomenon that doesn’t show us on Earth.

The parts are much smaller than tectonic plates and they do not travel yet. An exciting discovery is that some parts of Venus seem to have passed through some important lava fields. Astronomers are unsure of how old these regions are, but since they are at the top of everything, they should be younger than the rest – and if the motion of the lithosphere fragment left a mark, perhaps the planet was more active than we thought. Lead author Professor Paul Byrne told IFLScience, “Some of the structures we’ve seen in this movement have cut through some of the youngest surfaces in Venus.

“This is not conclusive evidence, but it is convincing evidence that something is distorting the crust of the crust.” The team discusses how the mantle can drive this phenomenon and the resulting effect is not the same as plate tectonics, understanding what is happening can give us some clues about how plate tectonics began on Earth about three billion years ago.