The weather information was moved to the status bar at the top of the screen when Google unveiled the redesign in 2019 that the majority of users use today, replacing this widget.
With the introduction of Coolwalk, this is being modified once more, and on portrait screens, the weather information now has a distinct card of its own. Landscape mode is not currently supported for some reason.
Due to the introduction of Weather & Radar, everything is changing (also referred to by many as weather radar). This is the first comprehensive weather app for Android Auto, and it can provide you with real-time updates while you’re driving along with local weather conditions and temperatures.
After being started, WeatherRadar locates and remembers your position while showing the current temperature on the map. While zooming out gives you access to the weather conditions for the entire region, just like in any other conventional weather app, you can also see the same information for local locations.

The app employs color-coded weather information; if you see areas painted blue, it signifies that if you’re going in that direction, rain may be on the way. It’s not always the same as the authentic radar experience you get on a mobile device, but it’s still a terrific way to be aware of the weather while you travel to your destination.
If your display has a broad resolution, split-screen mode is also available; otherwise, the software must run in full-screen mode. No specific card for this kind of application is included with Coolwalk, and it is unknown whether long-term plans call for such adjustments.
Big new features, such as regional weather alerts and current conditions for your route, are already in the works, according to the WeatherRadar team.
CarPlay compatibility is already under development, according to the development team, but an exact release date is not yet available. Simple weather apps have been available for CarPlay for a while; one such app is Weather on the Way, which provides a live precipitation radar tailored to the selected navigation route.
The Weatherology app has been using Google Assistant for years and has minimal capabilities, so WeatherRadar is not the first weather app to run on Android Auto. While driving, users may view the current temperature and weather conditions on a live map thanks to it being the first to give almost the entire weather package. Since live weather notifications can occasionally be crucial during lengthy travels, hopefully, it won’t be long before the capabilities that were teased go live.