
Thank You Letter for Unexpected Help

Thank You Letter for Unexpected Help

Thank You Letter for Unexpected Help

[Below briefly describe on sample Thank You Letter for Unexpected Help. Though “Thank you” constitutes only two words, but they work wonders if expressed sincerely. Though words also seem less when expressing gratitude, it will make the reader feel appreciated. It can be written formally as well as informally. You can make changes as per your requirements.]


Sender/Your name…

Address and Contact info…

Date: DD/MM/YY (Date on which letter is written)


Receiver/Respected person name…

Address and Contact info…

Subject: Thanks for returning my (purse/money or any other things)

Dear (Name),

I would like to express my gratitude towards you wholeheartedly for sending back my lost (purse/money or any other things). I was overwhelmed to receive it back again. (Describe in your words). It was lost when I was returning from work. I was very upset as it contained many important documents. (Describe all abut the situation). I am grateful to you that after finding it, you immediately called me and sent it back to me. I am very happy to know that people like you also exist in this selfish world. (Cordially describe your greetings).

As a token of thanks, I am sending a special gift to you. Hope you like it. I assure you that whenever you need any help from me, I will always be there for you. (Describe your feelings and appreciation).

I once again would like to express my gratefulness towards you for your kindness and generosity.

With regards,

Your name…

Contact info. and Signature…


Another format, [Email Format]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

Subject: Thank you Letter for your act of kindness

Dear (Name),

I sincerely thank you for your act of kindness. I was moved upon seeing (mention reason for thanking). You are like an angel of goodness for me. (Describe in your words). I have no words to express my gratitude towards you. Your timely help has improved things for me, and I would like to repay your kindness with a small token. (Cordially describe your greetings). Hope you like it.

I once again would like to express my gratefulness towards you for your generosity. (Describe your feelings and appreciation). It would be a privilege for me if I could be of any help to you in the future.

With regards
