Self-Compassion and Compassion for Others can Protect You from Adversity In terms of mental health, we now understand that the COVID-19 epidemic had some of the worst effects on parents, children, and young adults. Parents…
Can Abuse Lead to the Development of a Trauma Bond Attachment? In Stockholm, Sweden, four bank employees were abducted and kept prisoner for about a week in 1973. None of the victims offered to testify against…
Abuse in Intimate Relationships: Its Evolution and Elimination Abuse in intimate relationships is typically characterized by structural inequality of power, when one partner has control over important decisions, finances, parenting, and labor distribution.…
Difference Between Happiness and Life Satisfaction The concept of life satisfaction (LS), which is commonly confused with happiness but is actually a separate idea, is a little more nuanced than it…
Why Neurotic People Value Relationships So Much You can surely vouch for the truth that seeing loved ones can lift your spirits based on your own personal experience. It’s possible that you’re…
The Epidemic Demonstrates how Disasters Ruin Young People’s Lives for Years COVID-19 involves governments at all levels operating in an environment of extreme uncertainty. The COVID-19 crisis has had a wide-ranging regional and local impact, with…
Why Do Psychedelics and Near-Death Experiences Have a Transformational Effect? As a psychotherapist, I specialize in what I refer to as “transformation through turmoil.” People who experience severe trauma and turbulence occasionally go through a…
Kids’ Mental Health is Assessed by Robots with Surprising Results Children’s anxiety and depression are major global mental health concerns. According to a recent study, humanoid robots are more effective at identifying children mental health…
Children’s Success in School is Boosted by Early Self-regulation A study by the universities of Zurich and Mainz has shown that teaching children how to manage their attention and impulses in primary school has…
Depression during Pregnancy can Change a Child’s Brain Connections and Behavior Depression that develops during or after pregnancy is referred to as a perinatal depression. Mild to severe symptoms can be present. Rarely, the symptoms might…
Child Maltreatment and Neglect have been linked to Early Death in Adulthood A new study found that adults who reported experiencing sexual abuse by the age of 16 had a 2.6 times higher risk of dying in…
Establishing a Healthy Lifestyle Making Tough Decisions Might Also Make You Happier You’ll experience immediate fulfillment and pleasure if you grab a fast food cheeseburger or a sticky-sweet pastry. However, that happiness is fleeting, and if it…