Winners of the Ocean Photography Awards 2021 Revealed and they’re Incredible

Winners of the Ocean Photography Awards 2021 Revealed and they’re Incredible

The winners of the Ocean Photography Awards 2021 have been announced, and they include some of the most amazing and alien-like aquatic species that Earth’s…
Bee Swarm Kills 63 Endangered African Penguins that Starred in Netflix Documentary

Bee Swarm Kills 63 Endangered African Penguins that Starred in Netflix Documentary

Locals in South Africa were surprised to see scores of endangered African penguins laying dead on a beach, surrounded by a sprinkling of dead bees,…
Caterpillars Released on Remote Island were Hiding Parasitic Wasps within Parasitic Wasps

Caterpillars Released on Remote Island were Hiding Parasitic Wasps within Parasitic Wasps

There are always hazards when introducing new species to a region, although some are more subtle than others. When scientists transferred Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea…
Verdi aims to give farmers granular control over crop irrigation

Verdi aims to give farmers granular control over crop irrigation

Verdi’s smart valve clusters are referred to as “swarms” by Verdi, which debuted today at TechCrunch’s Startup Battlefield. The word refers to the type of…
Seth Rogen explains how Houseplant Promotes Cannabis without Breaking the Rules

Seth Rogen explains how Houseplant Promotes Cannabis without Breaking the Rules

Seth Rogen was irritated with me. We’d only just begun the interview, and while he graciously responded to my questions, he was already tired of…
In Borneo, Scientists Have Discovered Two New Species and a New Genus of Freshwater Mussels

In Borneo, Scientists Have Discovered Two New Species and a New Genus of Freshwater Mussels

For the first time in over 100 years, researchers headed by the University of Nottingham have found two new species and a new genus of…
Human Remains Found Inside Alligator that Attacked Man during Hurricane Ida Floods

Human Remains Found Inside Alligator that Attacked Man during Hurricane Ida Floods

When Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana, an alligator attacked a local man, making the already perilous hurricane much more dangerous. The same gator is believed to…
Fancy Tail Feathers of Fossilized Bird Show it Prioritized Fashion over Function

Fancy Tail Feathers of Fossilized Bird Show it Prioritized Fashion over Function

A new species of Early Cretaceous bird with remarkable tail feathers that were longer than its body has been discovered by researchers. Such enticing booty…
Giant Penguin Fossil Discovered by Kids in New Zealand is Brand New Species

Giant Penguin Fossil Discovered by Kids in New Zealand is Brand New Species

Field trips are regarded as the pinnacle of school days. They’re like mini-vacations with all your friends. What could be more appealing than that? What…
Baby-Drinking Milkweed Butterflies Scratch Open their Young and Slurp their Insides

Baby-Drinking Milkweed Butterflies Scratch Open their Young and Slurp their Insides

Milkweed butterflies claw at caterpillars and gulp out their contents, according to an observational study of butterflies in Indonesia. While eating your own young may…
Dangling Rhinos and Decongesting Orgasms Win this Year’s Ig Nobel Awards

Dangling Rhinos and Decongesting Orgasms Win this Year’s Ig Nobel Awards

The winners of the 2021 Ig Nobel Prizes were announced Thursday evening and included dangling rhinos, bubblegum biomes, and decongesting orgasms. The Ig Nobel Prizes,…
Stop what you’re doing and Watch this Satisfying Spider Web Building Time-lapse

Stop what you’re doing and Watch this Satisfying Spider Web Building Time-lapse

Web construction is one of nature’s most impressive architectural achievements, and a recent viral video filmed a time-lapse of a spider building one from start…
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