Zeolite Zeolite Definition Zeolite is any of a family of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, whose molecules enclose cations of sodium, potassium, calcium, strontium, or barium. Zeolites…
Hematite Hematite Definition Hematite is a reddish-brown to silver-gray metallic mineral. Its chemical formula: Fe2O3. Hematite occurs as rhombohedral crystals, as reniform (kidney-shaped) crystals, or as…
Tridymite Tridymite Definition Tridymite is a mineral SiO2 that is silica, differs from quartz in its usually minute thin tabular orthorhombic forms of crystallization, and is…
Magnesite Magnesite Definition Magnesite (MgCO3) is a white, colourless, or lightly tinted mineral consisting of naturally occurring magnesium carbonate in hexagonal crystalline form, which is a…
About Magnesium (Element) About Magnesium (Element) Definition Magnesium (symbol Mg) is a lightweight, moderately hard, silvery-white metallic element of the alkaline-earth group that burns with an intense white…
Magnetite Magnetite Definition Magnetite is a brown to black mineral that is strongly magnetic. It crystallizes in the cubic system and commonly occurs as small octahedrons.…
Serpentinite Serpentinite Definition Serpentinite is a metamorphic rock consisting almost entirely of minerals in the serpentine group. Serpentinite forms from the alteration of ferromagnesian silicate materials,…
Sphalerite Sphalerite Definition Sphalerite is a usually yellow-brown or brownish-black cubic mineral occurring either as single dodecahedral crystals or as granular masses. It is also called…
Dolomite Dolomite Definition Dolomite is a gray, pink, or white rhombohedral mineral. Dolomite occurs in curved saddlelike crystals with a pearly to glassy luster. It is…
Marcasite Marcasite Definition Marcasite is a light yellow to gray, metallic, orthorhombic mineral. Its chemical formula: FeS2 and sometimes called white iron pyrite. Marcasite is a…
Pyrrhotite Pyrrhotite Definition Pyrrhotite is a common bronze-coloured magnetic mineral consisting of ferrous sulphide in hexagonal crystalline form. It is also called magnetic pyrite, because the…
Perovskite Perovskite Definition Perovskite is a yellow, brown, or greyish-black mineral form of calcium titanate with some rare-earth elements, which is used in certain high-temperature ceramic…