Detection of a Topological Magnetic Monopole Fingerprint

Detection of a Topological Magnetic Monopole Fingerprint

A new Australian theoretical physics study has discovered a “smoking gun” in the long search for the topological magnetic monopole known as the Berry curvature.…
Electronic Properties of Graphene can be modified by Stretching the Material

Electronic Properties of Graphene can be modified by Stretching the Material

According to researchers at the University of Basel, the electronic properties of graphene can be specifically modified by stretching the material evenly. These findings pave…
Researchers show in a step that brings silicon-based Quantum Computers closer to reality

Researchers show in a step that brings silicon-based Quantum Computers closer to reality

Jason Petta, Ph.D., associate professor of physics at Princeton University, and researchers from the Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems project have created a device that…
Research has Found a Missing Piece of the Optical Quantum Computing Puzzle

Research has Found a Missing Piece of the Optical Quantum Computing Puzzle

A study from the McKelvey School of Engineers at St. Louis University in Washington discovered a missing component in the optical quantum computing challenge. Associate Professor…
Pitot-static System – a Pressure-based Aircraft System

Pitot-static System – a Pressure-based Aircraft System

The pitot-static system is a pressure-based aircraft system that measures and compares ram and static pressure. It is a pressure-sensitive instrumentation system that is commonly…
Reveal Local Symmetry in a Quantum Material

Reveal Local Symmetry in a Quantum Material

Because of the effects of quantum mechanics, or how matter behaves on the very small scale of atoms and subatomic particles, quantum materials exhibit exotic…
Physicists used a Quantum Simulator to Observe Prethermal Discrete Time Crystal

Physicists used a Quantum Simulator to Observe Prethermal Discrete Time Crystal

A statistical physics framework can be extended to the nonequilibrium setting to find previously unknown phases of matter catalyzed by periodic driving. In order to…
A New Technique keeps Quantum Bits of Light Stable at Room Temperature

A New Technique keeps Quantum Bits of Light Stable at Room Temperature

Quantum physics is one of the most complicated studies in human history, and researchers are working around the clock to figure out how physics works…
Physicists bring Human-Scale Object to an Almost Quantum Standstill for First Time

Physicists bring Human-Scale Object to an Almost Quantum Standstill for First Time

When a quantum system is at its lowest possible energy, it is said to be in its ground state. This state is now almost acquired…
Quantum Mechanics can be used to create more Constant Organic Solar Cells

Quantum Mechanics can be used to create more Constant Organic Solar Cells

Quantum mechanics can be used to make organic solar cells that are more stable and easier to produce. These are the findings of a new…
Physicists used Ultrashort Laser Pulses to Probe the Dynamics of Photoemission

Physicists used Ultrashort Laser Pulses to Probe the Dynamics of Photoemission

Physicists from Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich (LMU) and the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) investigated the dynamics of photoelectron emission in tungsten crystals…
Errors are Correlated across an entire Superconducting Quantum Computing Chip

Errors are Correlated across an entire Superconducting Quantum Computing Chip

Quantum computers could outperform classical computers in many tasks, but only if the errors that are unavoidable in computational tasks are isolated rather than widespread.…
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