Room-temperature operation of an Ultrathin Magnet is Possible

Room-temperature operation of an Ultrathin Magnet is Possible

Scientists have developed an ultrathin magnet that can function at room temperature. The ultrathin magnet could pave the way for new applications in computing and…
Random Jiggling of Tiny Particles is Converted into Stored Energy by the Engine

Random Jiggling of Tiny Particles is Converted into Stored Energy by the Engine

Researchers have created a blazingly fast engine that runs on a new type of fuel – information. The random jiggling of a microscopic particle is…
Altimeter – a Device that Measures Altitude

Altimeter – a Device that Measures Altitude

An altimeter is a device that measures altitude—the distance a location is above sea level. Most altimeters are barometric, which means they calculate altitude by…
Difference between Velocity and Acceleration

Difference between Velocity and Acceleration

Velocity and acceleration both use speed as a starting point in their measurements. Velocity and acceleration are the two key concepts that are always discussed…
Physics Graduate Says he’s going to Crack Immortality (Oh Yeah – and he’s 11)

Physics Graduate Says he’s going to Crack Immortality (Oh Yeah – and he’s 11)

Having high-achieving siblings can be tough. Every family gathering turns into a fight for which the child is more successful or smarter than whom and…
Improving Exotic Spin Interaction Laboratory Constraints

Improving Exotic Spin Interaction Laboratory Constraints

Prof. Du Jiangfeng, Prof. Rong Xing, and their colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Key Laboratory of Micromagnetic Resonance have set the most…
Scientists Devise a Method for Navigating a Difficult Uphill Climb

Scientists Devise a Method for Navigating a Difficult Uphill Climb

A group of scientists has discovered how heavy, motorized objects climb steep slopes—a mechanism that also mimics how rock climbers navigate inclines. The findings, published…
A New Tool for Measuring Radio Waves in Fusion Plasmas has been Developed by Scientists

A New Tool for Measuring Radio Waves in Fusion Plasmas has been Developed by Scientists

To heat and drive current in the plasma that fuels fusion reactions, scientists use radio frequency (RF) waves—the same waves that bring radio and television…
Scientists’ Measurement almost reached the limit set by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

Scientists’ Measurement almost reached the limit set by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

A football, on the other hand, is not a quantum particle. There are significant differences between what we know in everyday life and tiny quantum…
Cancer Cells are Destroyed with the help of Quantum Physics

Cancer Cells are Destroyed with the help of Quantum Physics

When X-rays are focused on tumor tissue containing iodine-carrying nanoparticles, cancer cell death occurs within three days. Iodine causes cell death by releasing electrons that…
A Novel Alternative Mechanism to Achieve Superconductivity in Graphene

A Novel Alternative Mechanism to Achieve Superconductivity in Graphene

Superconductivity is a physical phenomenon in which a material’s electrical resistance drops to zero at a certain critical temperature. The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory is a…
Difference between Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion

Difference between Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fission and fusion involve the disintegration and combination of the elemental nucleus. The process in which a heavy nucleus is broken into tiny nuclei…
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