A New Integrated Photonics Platform has been Developed

A New Integrated Photonics Platform has been Developed

Individual defects can be entangled using photon-photon interactions, providing a path toward large-scale quantum photonic networks. Optically-addressable solid-state spin defects are promising candidates for storing…
Laser Beams are Visible in Vacuum by Physicists

Laser Beams are Visible in Vacuum by Physicists

Laser beams are invisible in the vacuum unless they are shot directly into your eye. However, physicists are now making laser beams visible in a…
Identifying the Root of a Fatal Condition in Combustion Rocket Engines

Identifying the Root of a Fatal Condition in Combustion Rocket Engines

Combustors are critical components of gas engines and the chambers where the combustion that powers the engine takes place. However, combustors frequently fail as a…
New Techniques used by Cross-pollining Physicists for Harvest of Energy from Fusion

New Techniques used by Cross-pollining Physicists for Harvest of Energy from Fusion

Scientists have transferred a technique from one field of plasma physics to another to enable the more efficient design of powerful magnets for tokamaks, which…
Difference between Atom and Molecule

Difference between Atom and Molecule

Atom is defined as the smallest unit of an element that may or may not exists independently. Molecule implies the set of atoms held together…
A New Method for Imaging Vibrations and Atomic Movements in Catalysts

A New Method for Imaging Vibrations and Atomic Movements in Catalysts

A novel method for imaging atom vibrations and movements in catalysts has been developed by researchers. The new method identifies and locates individual atoms in…
Free Electron Lasers Generate Short-wavelength Radiation

Free Electron Lasers Generate Short-wavelength Radiation

Accelerator-based light sources, such as storage rings and free-electron lasers, generate intense radiation over a broad spectral range for fundamental research in physics, chemistry, materials…
Researchers Find New Limits on Nanoscale Capturing Light

Researchers Find New Limits on Nanoscale Capturing Light

Metallic nanostructures’ ability to confine light at the sub-wavelength scale opens up new avenues and opportunities in the field of nanotechnology. Taking advantage of this…
LEDs Shed Light on Whether Food is going Bad

LEDs Shed Light on Whether Food is going Bad

If you’ve ever carefully sniffed the food behind your fridge, wondering if it’s still safe to eat, help may come along the way. If you…
Gold Ions Used to Create Antimatter from Pure Energy

Gold Ions Used to Create Antimatter from Pure Energy

It sounds a bit like alchemy, but researchers have created a pair of matter/antimatter particles using light and gold – but instead of a philosopher’s…
Even Physics Agrees you should Wash your Hands for 20 Seconds

Even Physics Agrees you should Wash your Hands for 20 Seconds

Washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap is a tried and tested method to limit the spread of an illness infection and others. A…
A 150-Year-Old Mathematical Theory has Now been Tested and it Seems it was Wrong

A 150-Year-Old Mathematical Theory has Now been Tested and it Seems it was Wrong

Suck, Lord Kelvin. You may be right about thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, electronics, countless breakthroughs in engineering, the evolution and life cycle of stars, asymptomatic analysis…
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