Quantum Computing’s Future may Hinge on the Advancement and Knowledge of Semiconductor Materials

Quantum Computing’s Future may Hinge on the Advancement and Knowledge of Semiconductor Materials

Engineers have illustrated how the interaction between particles happens when the TMDC materials they produce are layered in a certain shape, giving researchers additional control…
Antiferromagnetism can be Turned On and Off in a Novel Way, According to Physicists

Antiferromagnetism can be Turned On and Off in a Novel Way, According to Physicists

When you save a photograph to your smartphone, the information is put onto tiny transistors that are electrically turned on and off in a sequence…
Researchers Show a Novel High-Flux, a Compact Cold-Atom Source with Low Power Consumption that may be Used in a Variety of Quantum Technologies

Researchers Show a Novel High-Flux, a Compact Cold-Atom Source with Low Power Consumption that may be Used in a Variety of Quantum Technologies

Although quantum technology has proved useful for extremely accurate timekeeping, making these technologies feasible for usage in a range of situations remains a major issue.…
Researcher developed a Soft Robot based on a Water-driven Hydrogel Actuator

Researcher developed a Soft Robot based on a Water-driven Hydrogel Actuator

To achieve agile motions and natural camouflage in water, sea animals such as leptocephali develop tissues and organs made of active transparent hydrogels. Hydrogel-based actuators…
Scientists Researching Particle Collisions Have Found Irrefutable Proof of Two Physics Events Predicted More Than 80 Years Ago

Scientists Researching Particle Collisions Have Found Irrefutable Proof of Two Physics Events Predicted More Than 80 Years Ago

Scientists investigating particle collisions at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a US Department of Energy Office of Science user facility for…
Sound is directed efficiently using Compact Speaker Systems

Sound is directed efficiently using Compact Speaker Systems

Researchers have created three compact speaker system designs that control the direction of sound more efficiently than previous models. The scientists were able to manipulate…
The use of Ultrafast Electron Microscopy leads to a Significant Breakthrough

The use of Ultrafast Electron Microscopy leads to a Significant Breakthrough

Everyone who has visited the Grand Canyon can attest to the powerful emotions that come with being so close to one of nature’s most awe-inspiring…
A Scientist Studying Crystal Structures has Developed a New Mathematical Formula that may Solve a Decades-Old Problem in Understanding Space-Time

A Scientist Studying Crystal Structures has Developed a New Mathematical Formula that may Solve a Decades-Old Problem in Understanding Space-Time

A Penn State crystal structure researcher has devised a new mathematical formula that might help answer a decades-old puzzle about space-time, the fabric of the…
Mysterious Radioactive Cubes Found around the US are Probably Nazi Experiments

Mysterious Radioactive Cubes Found around the US are Probably Nazi Experiments

Do you know how in Captain America: The First Avenger, a Nazi-like organization tries to harness the power of a mysterious glowing cube to create…
Physicists Probe the Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Physicists Probe the Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

An analysis conducted by Dark Energy Survey physicists yields more precise estimates of the average density of matter as well as its proclivity to clump…
A Faster Way to Enable Organic Solar Cells to Convert Sunlight into Electrical Power

A Faster Way to Enable Organic Solar Cells to Convert Sunlight into Electrical Power

Organic solar cells are less expensive to manufacture and more flexible than crystalline silicon counterparts, but they do not provide the same level of efficiency…
Modulated Quantum Metasurfaces can Control all Characteristics of Photonic Qubits, According to a Group of Researchers

Modulated Quantum Metasurfaces can Control all Characteristics of Photonic Qubits, According to a Group of Researchers

Modulated quantum metasurfaces, according to a team of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, can control all characteristics of photonic qubits, a development that might…
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