Using Sound to Trap Spins

Using Sound to Trap Spins

Color centers are crystal lattice defects that can capture one or more additional electrons. These electrons’ spin is extremely sensitive to external electric and magnetic…
Experts are Well-versed in Semiconductor Defects

Experts are Well-versed in Semiconductor Defects

Defects exist in all semiconductors, whether by design or by chance. Impurities, native defects, and extended defects are fundamental properties of defects that affect a…
Quantum Magnets with Programmable Interactions

Quantum Magnets with Programmable Interactions

Researchers were successful in changing not only the strength but also the nature of the interaction between microscopic quantum magnets known as spins. Instead of…
In Next-Generation Batteries, a Substance Generated from Trees might Potentially Replace Liquid Electrolytes

In Next-Generation Batteries, a Substance Generated from Trees might Potentially Replace Liquid Electrolytes

Researchers are aiming to replace the liquids frequently utilized in today’s lithium-ion batteries with solid materials in order to create batteries that offer more power…
Digital Data is Transmitted Wirelessly using Nuclear Radiation

Digital Data is Transmitted Wirelessly using Nuclear Radiation

Nuclear radiation is defined as the particles and photons emitted during reactions involving an atom’s nucleus. Nuclear radiation is also referred to as ionizing or…
An Atomic-scale Stress Prediction Method has been developed

An Atomic-scale Stress Prediction Method has been developed

When designing aircraft, spacecraft, and other structures, the amount of stress a material can withstand before cracking is critical information. For the first time, aerospace…
A Monolayer Mott Insulator Resistant, that is Heat and Light Resistant Discovered by Researchers

A Monolayer Mott Insulator Resistant, that is Heat and Light Resistant Discovered by Researchers

Superconductivity, in which electrical resistance reduces and current continues without power, is a unique feature that enables MRI machines and particle accelerators, although it has…
For Silicon Photonics, Quantum Dots Enable Infrared Lasing at Room Temperature

For Silicon Photonics, Quantum Dots Enable Infrared Lasing at Room Temperature

The way we communicate now is governed by lasers, which produce light in a single direction with photons moving at a single frequency and all…
Solar Panels Made From Better Silicon

Solar Panels Made From Better Silicon

Solar energy is one of the most important types of sustainable and renewable energy sources that have been used throughout the world. Photovoltaic (PV) energy…
Difference between Convex and Concave Lens

Difference between Convex and Concave Lens

A lens is an optical tool that converges and diverges a light beam through refraction. A lens is defined as a curved, transparent piece of…
A New Method for Producing Visible Light

A New Method for Producing Visible Light

Visible light constitutes only a small portion of the entire electromagnetic radiation spectrum, but it contains the only frequency range to which the human eye’s…
Improving Radiation Therapy Data Transfer Error

Improving Radiation Therapy Data Transfer Error

Radiotherapy is a highly complex, multi-step process that necessitates the participation of many different staff groups in the treatment’s planning and delivery. Such complication creates…
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