Tests at the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory Light’s Speed

Tests at the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory Light’s Speed

New measurements indicate that the laws of physics apply no matter where you are or how quickly you’re traveling, up to the highest energies yet…
Quantum Technologies Guide from Integrated Photonics

Quantum Technologies Guide from Integrated Photonics

Quantum technologies are a new class of devices that can regulate the superposition and entanglement of quantum states of light or matter in order to…
Synchronization (History, Uses)

Synchronization (History, Uses)

For consistent results, synchronization is designed to be cooperative, requiring that every thread follow the synchronization method before accessing protected resources. It is the synchronization…
Physicists Uncover Synchronization’s Secret, From Flashing Fireflies to Cheering Crowds

Physicists Uncover Synchronization’s Secret, From Flashing Fireflies to Cheering Crowds

Trinity College Dublin physicists have figured out how big groupings of individual “oscillators,” such as flashing fireflies, cheering crowds, ticking clocks, and clicking metronomes, tend…
Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP)

Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP)

The universe was a heated soup of fundamental particles called quarks and gluons for a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang. Those…
How Do Bikes Stay Upright It’s Not What You Might Think

How Do Bikes Stay Upright It’s Not What You Might Think

Bicycles are a little mysterious. The first bicycle was invented about 200 years ago, and most of us have ridden one since then. However, there…
Using Ion Soft Landing to Tackle Challenges Involving Hard Energy

Using Ion Soft Landing to Tackle Challenges Involving Hard Energy

Every piece of technology that keeps our world running demands on-demand energy. To power electronic devices and illuminate buildings, energy must be stored and made…
Student from Mauritius’ Explanation of Molecular Forces Wins Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Student from Mauritius’ Explanation of Molecular Forces Wins Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Amber Kwok, 18, of Mauritius, won the sixth annual Breakthrough Junior Challenge. The competition asks 13 to 18-year-olds to submit a three-minute movie illustrating a…
To Control Quantum Materials, Physicists Use Space and Time Symmetry

To Control Quantum Materials, Physicists Use Space and Time Symmetry

Physicists from Exeter and Trondheim have devised a theory that explains how to use space reflection and time-reversal symmetries to govern transport and correlations within…
Long-range and Ultra-secure Communication Using a Nanoantenna

Long-range and Ultra-secure Communication Using a Nanoantenna

Nano-cavity antennas are used to improve the exceptional transmission of TM-polarized light via vertical nano-slits in a metal film. At low frequencies (including microwave), the…
Residential Biomass Combustion Emissions could be reduced by Using an Electric Soot Collector

Residential Biomass Combustion Emissions could be reduced by Using an Electric Soot Collector

Residential biomass combustion pollution is a known cause of negative health impacts, such as respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, as well as negative climatic effects. Residential…
The First Quantum Simulation of Baryons has been Completed

The First Quantum Simulation of Baryons has been Completed

Quantum computing has the potential to solve some of our planet’s most pressing problems, including those in the environment, agriculture, health, energy, climate, materials science,…
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