An Entirely New Way on the Quantum Level Swinging

An Entirely New Way on the Quantum Level Swinging

Many applications that make use of quantum effects require light to be in a specific state, namely a single-photon state. But what is the best…
Developing Low-cost and High-quality iron-based Superconductors

Developing Low-cost and High-quality iron-based Superconductors

At low temperatures, superconducting materials have zero electrical resistance, allowing them to conduct “supercurrents” without dissipation. A group of scientists led by Dr. Kazumasa Iida…
A Novel Approach to MRI

A Novel Approach to MRI

Magnetism is a property of matter caused by electrons orbiting in atoms. Because of the orbiting electrons, the atoms have a magnetic moment associated with…
A Long-Suspended Magnetic Materials Classification Issue has been Solved

A Long-Suspended Magnetic Materials Classification Issue has been Solved

For nearly 2,000 years, humans have been aware of the unusual phenomena of magnetism. Researchers have continuously advanced humanity’s fundamental understanding of magnetism from ancient…
How can Vacancies be Converted into Quantum Information?

How can Vacancies be Converted into Quantum Information?

Researchers have made a breakthrough that should pave the way for much better control over the formation of quantum bits, or qubits, the fundamental unit…
At Extremely Low Temperatures, a so-called “Strange Metal” has been Demonstrated to be a Superconductor

At Extremely Low Temperatures, a so-called “Strange Metal” has been Demonstrated to be a Superconductor

Certain materials lose their electrical resistance at low temperatures and conduct electricity without loss. The phenomena of superconductivity has been recognized since 1911, however, it…
Neutrinos Detected For the First Time at Brand-New CERN Experiment

Neutrinos Detected For the First Time at Brand-New CERN Experiment

Neutrinos, the most elusive of known particles, have been discovered at the world’s most powerful particle accelerators. Because neutrinos are so light and have no…
The Ultrafast Dynamics of Matter is Captured by a Table-Top Electron Camera

The Ultrafast Dynamics of Matter is Captured by a Table-Top Electron Camera

DESY scientists have developed a small electron camera capable of capturing the inner, ultrafast movements of matter. The system fires short bursts of electrons at…
In Random Quantum Systems, Dynamical Scaling of Entanglement Entropy and Surface Roughness

In Random Quantum Systems, Dynamical Scaling of Entanglement Entropy and Surface Roughness

“Universality” is a term used in physics to describe features of systems that are independent of their details. Theoretical physicists are particularly interested in proving…
Type of Water Ice Hotter Than the Sun’s Surface Is a New Phase of Matter

Type of Water Ice Hotter Than the Sun’s Surface Is a New Phase of Matter

There is a strong possibility you are envisioning ice when you think about cold temperatures. For us, ice is the archetypal “cold” object. However, under…
Target Rate of Return Pricing

Target Rate of Return Pricing

Target rate of return pricing is a pricing strategy that is almost entirely employed by market leaders or monopolists. Rate of return pricing is a…
The ESO Telescope Witnesses a Star Dance Around a Supermassive Black Hole, Demonstrating Einstein’s Rightness

The ESO Telescope Witnesses a Star Dance Around a Supermassive Black Hole, Demonstrating Einstein’s Rightness

For the first time, observations with ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) have revealed that a star orbiting the supermassive black hole at the heart of…
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