Physicists create Optimal Solar Cell Testing conditions for Space uses

Physicists create Optimal Solar Cell Testing conditions for Space uses

Researchers at the University of Oklahoma, in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the University of North Texas, the NASA Glenn Research Center, and…
Gentle Approach to Mechanical Quantum Systems

Gentle Approach to Mechanical Quantum Systems

Systems in which mechanical motion is controlled at the level of individual quanta are emerging as a possible quantum-technology platform. New experimental work now reveals…
Scientists have created a Quantum Sensor out of a Hydrogen Molecule

Scientists have created a Quantum Sensor out of a Hydrogen Molecule

In a terahertz laser-equipped scanning tunneling microscope, physicists from the United States showed atomic-scale quantum sensing employing a hydrogen molecule as the quantum sensor. Scientists…
Using Laser and X-ray Beams Together

Using Laser and X-ray Beams Together

X-ray lasers were invented in the 1970s when physicists realized that laser beams amplified using ions would have far higher energy than beams amplified with…
Two-dimensional Holey Graphyne Synthesis

Two-dimensional Holey Graphyne Synthesis

Holey graphyne is a new kind of carbon allotrope with semiconductor properties that can be used in photoelectronics, sensors, and water purification. Carbon has various…
Researchers use Liquid Crystals to Make a Flat Magic Window

Researchers use Liquid Crystals to Make a Flat Magic Window

Researchers employed liquid crystals to develop a flat magic window, which is a transparent device that emits a hidden image when illuminated. Any image can…
Quantum Physics Limits the Speed of Electronics

Quantum Physics Limits the Speed of Electronics

A quantum speed limit (QSL) is a limitation on the minimum time for a quantum system to evolve between two distinct states in quantum mechanics.…
Using Light to Engineer Quantum States in Solids

Using Light to Engineer Quantum States in Solids

Quantum science and devices is a research field that uses theoretical computer science, atomic physics, and optics to create novel concepts and hardware for information…
In Iron-based Superconductor, Spin maintains Electrons in Line

In Iron-based Superconductor, Spin maintains Electrons in Line

According to a new study, electronic nematicity, which is thought to be a crucial component of high-temperature superconductivity, is largely spin-driven in the iron-based superconductor…
The Student becomes a Master by Teaching Physics to AI

The Student becomes a Master by Teaching Physics to AI

Machine Learning (ML) is rapidly delivering new and powerful tools for physicists and chemists to extract critical information from large amounts of data, whether from…
Electrons are Derailled by Light through Grapheme

Electrons are Derailled by Light through Grapheme

Scientists studying the unusual movement of electrons in graphene have discovered a new understanding of the physics of conductive materials. Because of its two-dimensional structure,…
Scientists Create a Stream Cipher Based on Chaos that can Withstand Attacks from Large-Scale Quantum Computers

Scientists Create a Stream Cipher Based on Chaos that can Withstand Attacks from Large-Scale Quantum Computers

Fast algorithms could quickly break many widely used cryptosystems on quantum computers, forcing more novel digital security solutions. There has been a lot of study…
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