Gold Crystals with Atomically Smooth Surfaces Aid in Light Compression for Nanophotonic Applications

Gold Crystals with Atomically Smooth Surfaces Aid in Light Compression for Nanophotonic Applications

A new method for steering compressed light waves in ultra-thin van der Waals crystals has been successfully demonstrated by researchers from KAIST and their collaborators…
Researchers Master Electron Spin Control at Room Temperature to Improve Device Speed and Efficient

Researchers Master Electron Spin Control at Room Temperature to Improve Device Speed and Efficient

Spintronics may continue along that path as our devices get smaller, faster, more energy-efficient, and able to store more data. Spintronics is based on the…
Benefits of New Soft X-Ray Transition Energies Benchmark in Astrophysical Plasma

Benefits of New Soft X-Ray Transition Energies Benchmark in Astrophysical Plasma

In order to understand some of the Universe’s most potent and enigmatic objects and events, such as stellar coronae and winds, cataclysmic variables, X-ray binaries…
New Higgs-Related Particle Discovered In Tabletop Experiments

New Higgs-Related Particle Discovered In Tabletop Experiments

The most intricate interactions of basic particles need highly strong accelerators, which must be enormous in order to deliver such energy. However, with a far…
Why Your Wedding Almost Certainly Broke the Speed of Sound

Why Your Wedding Almost Certainly Broke the Speed of Sound

You would not think of a wedding (or a birthday, or any other type of event) as a logical setting for a physics experiment, but…
Internet Heavily Invested In Woman’s Quest to Unstick Her Bowls

Internet Heavily Invested In Woman’s Quest to Unstick Her Bowls

Twitter has been extremely involved in solving a little scientific problem in the previous several days: how to get one woman’s bowls unstuck. While doing…
Researchers Find a Way to Simulate Nonlinear Quantum Electrodynamics in a Laboratory

Researchers Find a Way to Simulate Nonlinear Quantum Electrodynamics in a Laboratory

In movies, video games, and our imaginations, lightsabers catch and flare when they collide. The light beams actually pass through one another, just like in…
Scientists’ Use of Quantum Dots to Identify Inflammatory Cells in Fat

Scientists’ Use of Quantum Dots to Identify Inflammatory Cells in Fat

Doctors and researchers must be able to peer into bodies in order to properly identify and cure illnesses. Since the invention of the first x-ray,…
First Results from the Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment’s Final Dataset are Announced by Physicists

First Results from the Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment’s Final Dataset are Announced by Physicists

The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment recorded a record-breaking 5.5 million interactions from neutrino subatomic particles over the course of over nine years. Theta13, a…
Difference between Volume and Capacity

Difference between Volume and Capacity

The volume of a three-dimensional figure is a measurement of the entire space filled by a solid. A three-dimensional figure is any object with length,…
High-Altitude Rocket Engine Exhaust Pollution Enters the Atmosphere of Earth

High-Altitude Rocket Engine Exhaust Pollution Enters the Atmosphere of Earth

Commercial spaceflights by firms like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic have popularized the use of reusable space technology to increase space transportation at a reduced cost.…
Quantum Computer Inner Workings

Quantum Computer Inner Workings

A precision diagnostic developed at the Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratories is quickly becoming the gold standard for detecting and describing problems within quantum…
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