Acoustic Attenuation

Acoustic Attenuation

The reduction of sound energy as it propagates through a medium is referred to as acoustic attenuation. Sound wave attenuation can occur due to a…
Thermionic Converter

Thermionic Converter

A thermionic converter is made up of a hot electrode that thermionically emits electrons to a cooler electrode, producing useful electric power output. Caesium vapor…
Acoustic Dispersion

Acoustic Dispersion

Acoustic dispersion is the phenomenon in which the speed of sound waves through a medium varies with frequency. In other words, different frequencies of sound…
Acoustic Metamaterial

Acoustic Metamaterial

An acoustic metamaterial is a material that is designed to control and manipulate the propagation of sound waves. It is a man-made material with unique…
Acoustic Waves

Acoustic Waves

Acoustic waves are a type of energy propagation method that uses adiabatic loading and unloading to move through a medium. Acoustic pressure, particle velocity, particle…
Transverse Wave – in Physics

Transverse Wave – in Physics

In physics, a transverse wave is one whose oscillations are perpendicular to the wave’s advance direction. This is in contrast to a longitudinal wave, which…
Thermoelectric Generator

Thermoelectric Generator

A thermoelectric generator (TEG), also known as a Seebeck generator, is a solid-state device that directly converts heat flux (temperature differences) into electrical energy via…
Longitudinal Waves

Longitudinal Waves

Longitudinal waves are a type of wave that occurs when particles in a medium vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave.…
Rayleigh Waves

Rayleigh Waves

Rayleigh waves are a type of surface wave that propagates along the surface of a solid or fluid medium, such as the ground. They are…
A Pathway to a Better Understanding of a Perplexing Universal Process

A Pathway to a Better Understanding of a Perplexing Universal Process

Magnetic reconnection, a perplexing phenomenon, causes explosive occurrences throughout the universe, causing solar flares and space storms that can disrupt cell phone service and electrical…
Surface Acoustic Wave

Surface Acoustic Wave

A surface acoustic wave (SAW) is a type of sound wave that travels along the surface of a solid material. It is an acoustic wave…
Picosecond Ultrasonics

Picosecond Ultrasonics

Picosecond ultrasonics is a technique for creating and detecting ultrashort wavelength acoustic waves in the picosecond time domain. It is a non-destructive method for studying…
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