Researchers Designed a Fast Engine that Taps into a new kind of Fuel Energy

Researchers Designed a Fast Engine that Taps into a new kind of Fuel Energy

Researchers have created a lightning-fast engine that runs on a new type of fuel: information. The random jiggling of a microscopic particle is converted into…
China’s Zhurong Rover Takes its First Spin on the Martian Surface

China’s Zhurong Rover Takes its First Spin on the Martian Surface

China’s Zhurong rover has taken itself for a spin on the surface of Mars for the first time. Footage released by the Chinese National Space…
Astronomers Spot the Oldest Galaxy with a Spiral Structure Yet

Astronomers Spot the Oldest Galaxy with a Spiral Structure Yet

1335-0417 the light in the Galaxy BRI is 12.4 billion years old, when the universe was still very young. And yet, the galaxy seems to…
Can you solve this Fruity Little Logical Riddle?

Can you solve this Fruity Little Logical Riddle?

Welcome to the logical garden just outside Rationalville, where the fruits are absolutely delicious and reason reigns supreme. But don’t think that this is a…
100-Year-Old Nikola Tesla’s Invention Works Better than Anyone Realized, could have Untapped Potential

100-Year-Old Nikola Tesla’s Invention Works Better than Anyone Realized, could have Untapped Potential

Nikola Tesla has moved from neglected talent to folk hero and inventor modern engineers want to be associated with it. Yet his ideas were so…
A Book from 1952 Predicted an “Elon” would One Day Rule over Mars

A Book from 1952 Predicted an “Elon” would One Day Rule over Mars

One of the top developers of rocket technology to the Nazis during World War II predicted the rise of “Elon” who would one day rule…
Why is the Speed of Light in Vacuum a Constant of Nature?

Why is the Speed of Light in Vacuum a Constant of Nature?

In space, light travels at speeds of 299,792,458 meters per second (about 186,000 miles per second). This weird value is quite voluntary and it’s how…
Twitter Explains the Real Reason Why they Changed their Cropping Tool

Twitter Explains the Real Reason Why they Changed their Cropping Tool

As we have learned time and time again (or apparently not), AI and machine learning technology have racist problems. Because blacks are 5 percent more…
The European Space Agency is Planning a Satellite Constellation around the Moon

The European Space Agency is Planning a Satellite Constellation around the Moon

The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced support for a moonlight project where a consortium of private companies and firms will place a satellite star…
The Better the Clock the More Entropy it Might Generate

The Better the Clock the More Entropy it Might Generate

In physics time and entropy have a very close relationship. The total entropy of isolated systems (such as the universe) always increases to the right…
Calcium Fluoride (Properties, Uses)

Calcium Fluoride (Properties, Uses)

Calcium fluoride is an ionic crystal with a simple cubic array of fluorine anions and calcium cations in half of the cubic sites. It’s an…
Psychiatrists applied a new functional Neuroimaging Technology for Treating Depression

Psychiatrists applied a new functional Neuroimaging Technology for Treating Depression

Despite increased use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in psychiatry, the rates at which patients respond to therapy and experience remission of frequently disabling symptoms…
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