Heat and Discomfort can be Felt Thanks to an Ion Channel Receptor’s ‘Suicidal’ Action

Heat and Discomfort can be Felt Thanks to an Ion Channel Receptor’s ‘Suicidal’ Action

Human existence depends on being able to reliably detect heat and discomfort, but scientists have had difficulty figuring out exactly how our bodies perceive these…
A New Form of Star sheds light on the Enigmatic Origins of Magnetars

A New Form of Star sheds light on the Enigmatic Origins of Magnetars

Magnetars are the Universe’s most powerful magnets. These super-dense dead stars with extremely strong magnetic fields can be found all around our galaxy, but astronomers…
Understanding the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein could Help in the Development of Vaccines

Understanding the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein could Help in the Development of Vaccines

Although the majority of humanity first learnt about the now-famous disease during the COVID-19 pandemic, the coronavirus family was discovered in the middle of the…
Telescopes Aid in Solving the Pulsar Mystery

Telescopes Aid in Solving the Pulsar Mystery

Telescopes are critical in solving the pulsar mystery. Pulsars are neutron stars that rotate quickly and release beams of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves. These…
Organic Semiconductors

Organic Semiconductors

Organic semiconductors are solids whose constituents are pi-bonded molecules or polymers composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms and, in some cases, heteroatoms such as nitrogen,…
Oases are Hubs of Biological and Cultural Diversity, Suggesting a Connection between Culture and Biodiversity

Oases are Hubs of Biological and Cultural Diversity, Suggesting a Connection between Culture and Biodiversity

Oases in the Sahara Desert are lush, green pockets of vegetation and water surrounded by the arid desert landscape. These oases are essential for the…
Moisture Equivalent

Moisture Equivalent

Lyman Briggs and McLane (1910) offer moisture equivalent as a measure of field capacity for fine-textured soil materials. It is a concept used in soil…
A New Family Tree of Amphibians Shows they Diverged Tens of Millions of Years Later than Previously Believed

A New Family Tree of Amphibians Shows they Diverged Tens of Millions of Years Later than Previously Believed

The Natural History Museum in London’s Senior Curator in Charge of Amphibians and Reptiles, Jeff Streicher, and other researchers have revealed the most comprehensive evolutionary…
Torque Converter – a Type of Fluid Coupling

Torque Converter – a Type of Fluid Coupling

A torque converter is a form of fluid coupling that transfers rotating power from a prime mover to a rotating driven load. It is a…
Improved Classification of Recyclable Waste Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

Improved Classification of Recyclable Waste Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

Accurately managing and classifying garbage for reuse is becoming more and more difficult in the sake of environmental preservation. In order to address this problem,…
Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change Adaptation

The process of adjusting to the effects of climate change is known as adaptation. It refers to the process of adjusting to existing and anticipated…
For Environmental Monitoring Materials, Silver Cluster-Assembled Materials

For Environmental Monitoring Materials, Silver Cluster-Assembled Materials

Silver nanoclusters (Ag NCs), tiny silver particles made up of tens to hundreds of atoms, have recently gained popularity in a number of disciplines including…
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