Report on Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Antibacterial Properties

Report on Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Antibacterial Properties

ABSTRACT The incidence of infectious diseases, particularly caused by multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria as well as bacterial resistance towards commercial antibiotics are accelerating day by…
Assignment on Blood Hematology

Assignment on Blood Hematology

Introduction Blood is a specialized fluid connective tissue in which there are liquid intercellular substances (plasma) and formed elements (RBC, WBC, Platelet) suspended in the…
Assignment on Implementation of Heart Care System

Assignment on Implementation of Heart Care System

A.1 PRELIMINARY STUDY This phase is mainly about the analysis of the current manual system. I investigated the whole manual system to understand what is…
Assignment on Cardihope Heart Centre

Assignment on Cardihope Heart Centre

A. INTRODUCTION Cardihope Heart Centre is a triple storey building. It has been guarded by four security guards two at each gate. There is a…
Assignment on Recombinant Human Insulin

Assignment on Recombinant Human Insulin

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Insupen-25 is human recombinant insulin. It contains 25% regular plus  75% isophan insulin  It is indicated to control blood glucose level in diabetic…
Report on Hypertension

Report on Hypertension

ABSTRACT In This study, 10 cases of hypertension were selected randomly in my general practice in old Dhaka. The aged range was 30 to 80…
Report on Medical social work

Report on Medical social work

Medical social work: Conceptual analysis of Medical Social Work: The prevalence of illness and premature death due to lack of awareness, access to good medical…
Social Service and Central Drug Addiction Treatment Centre

Social Service and Central Drug Addiction Treatment Centre

Preface: Industrial revolution is an outstanding event for potential change, progress and for excellence of human civilization. No doubt about it that Industrial revolution provides…
Assignment on ORS or Oral Rehydration Therapy corner

Assignment on ORS or Oral Rehydration Therapy corner

Aims and Objectives: (1)             To increase proper use of ORS in cases of diarrhoeal diseases. (2)             To reduce mortality as well as morbidity associated with…
Assignment on Upazila Health Complex

Assignment on Upazila Health Complex

Objectives of the Organization:           To provide the following facilities to the rural population of Dhamrai Upazila through a network of static health facilities and…
Assignment on Maternity and Child Health Training Institute

Assignment on Maternity and Child Health Training Institute

Aims and objectives of the Organogram: To render services to mother and children to reduce mortality and morbidity of this vulnerable group especially belonging to…
Assignment on Institute of Public Health-IPH

Assignment on Institute of Public Health-IPH

Objectives of the Organization: 1.       To investigate epidemics and provides necessary support in their   control. 2.       To help the government of Bangladesh in preventing…
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