Report on Road Accident of Bangladesh

Report on Road Accident of Bangladesh

Background of the Report :   Change is not easy. It requires a period in which people psychologically get ready. Employees begin to understand and…
Presentation on Pneumonia

Presentation on Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an acute infection of the parenchyma of the lung caused by bacteria, fungi, virus, parasite etc. Pneumonia usually starts when you breathe the…
Presentation on Polio

Presentation on Polio

Polio is an infectious disease caused by a virus. The virus lives in an infected person’s throat and intestines. It is most often spread by…
Presentation on Botulism

Presentation on Botulism

Foodborne botulism is a serious, potentially fatal disease. However, it is relatively rare. It is an intoxication usually caused by ingestion of potent neurotoxins, the…
Presentation on Tuberculosis

Presentation on Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an bacterial infectious disease caused by bacteria whose scientific name is MYCOBACTERIUM  TUBERCULOSIS it was first isolated in 1882 by a German physician named…
Presentation on AIDS

Presentation on AIDS

Acquired  immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). AIDS was first recognized in 1981.…
Presentation on Viral Flu

Presentation on Viral Flu

Viral flu is a viral infection. It’s passed on when people breathe in liquid droplets containing the influenza virus that have been sneezed or coughed…
Presentation on Viral Hepatitis

Presentation on Viral Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. Viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. Several different viruses,…
Presentation on Psoriasis Disease

Presentation on Psoriasis Disease

Principle purpose of this study is to present on Psoriasis Disease. žPsoriasis is an autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system…
Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a bacterial disease, caused by Salmonella typhi. It is transmitted through the ingestion of food or drink contaminated by the faeces or…
Report on HIV and AIDS Knowledge Among the Adolescent

Report on HIV and AIDS Knowledge Among the Adolescent

Abstract This qualitative cross-sectional study “HIV and AIDS knowledge among the adolescent: a gender perspective in Bangladesh” was conducted among 100 secondary school going adolescents…
Presentation on Rubella

Presentation on Rubella

Rubella, commonly known as German measles, is a disease caused by the rubella virus. The rubella virus passes from person to person through tiny drops…
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