Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning is a logical process in which a conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises which might be generally assumed to become…
Algorithmic Probability

Algorithmic Probability

Algorithmic probability is a mathematical method involving assigning a prior probability into a given observation. Algorithmic probability combines Occam’s razor and also the principle of…
Inductive Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is reasoning in which the premises seek to supply strong evidence with the truth of in conclusion. While the conclusion of deductive argument…
Algorithmic Information Theory

Algorithmic Information Theory

Algorithmic information theory principally reports complexity measures on strings. Because most mathematical objects can be described in terms of strings, or because the limit of…
Lossless Compression

Lossless Compression

Lossless data compression is needed in many applications. For example, it is used in the ZIP extendable and in the GNU tool gzip. Additionally it…


A principal benefit is that neuroevolution may be applied more generally than supervised learning algorithms, which call for a syllabus of appropriate input-output pairs. Neuroevolution,…
Gillespie Algorithm

Gillespie Algorithm

The Gillespie algorithm creates a statistically appropriate trajectory (possible solution) of an stochastic equation. It absolutely was created by Frederick L. Doob and the like…
Genetic Algorithm

Genetic Algorithm

the genetic algorithm is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural choice. This heuristic is routinely employed to generate useful solutions to optimization…
Morris method

Morris method

The Morris method for global sensitivity analysis is a so-called one-step-at-a-time procedure (OAT), meaning that with each run one input parameter is given a fresh…
Monte Carlo Method

Monte Carlo Method

Monte Carlo method are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results. They are used in physical…
Communication Theory in Mathemetics

Communication Theory in Mathemetics

The origins of communication theory is for this development of information theory inside the early 1920s. Limited information-theoretic ideas were being developed at Bell Labs,…


The systemography modeling consists of building, simultaneously, this process operational, the informational and also the decisional systemographs inside modeling phase. Systemography or SGR is a…
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