Cardiac Psychology Cardiovascular psychology, also known as heart health psychology or cardiovascular psychology, is a subfield of health psychology that focuses on the psychological aspects of heart…
Adoptive Immunity Adaptive immunity, also known as acquired or specific immunity, is one of the immune system’s two major branches, along with innate immunity. It acts in…
Peripheral Tolerance – in Immunology Peripheral tolerance refers to the mechanisms by which the immune system regulates and suppresses immune responses in peripheral tissues against self-antigens (the body’s own molecules).…
Sleep Disruption is linked with an increased Risk of Dementia According to new research published in the December 13, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, people who…
Light Therapy may Help with Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms According to a new study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Qinghui Meng of Weifang Medical University, China, and colleagues, light therapy improves…
Sleep Apnea is revealed by Night Sweats Sweat metabolism changes can aid in determining the severity of sleep apnea. For the first time, a collaboration between the University of Córdoba and IMIBIC…
Infectious Tolerance In immunology, “infectious tolerance” is a phenomenon in which the immune system tolerates or accepts a specific antigen as a result of exposure to regulatory…
Accessory Muscle An accessory muscle is a relatively uncommon anatomical variation in which muscle duplication can occur anywhere in the muscular system. It usually refers to muscles…
Cardiac Muscle Cardiac muscle, also known as the myocardium, is a type of muscle tissue found exclusively in the heart. It is one of three types of…
Immune Tolerance Immune tolerance refers to the body’s ability to distinguish and tolerate its own cells and molecules from foreign substances. Immunological tolerance is a state in…
Muscle Coactivation Muscle coactivation is the simultaneous activation or contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles around joint or multiple joints. It occurs when agonist and antagonist muscles…
Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the testicles, which are an important part of the male reproductive system. Cancer develops in…