Understanding the Danger of Cell Therapy for Cardiac Repair

Understanding the Danger of Cell Therapy for Cardiac Repair

According to a recent study from the Universities of Surrey and Oxford, a type of cell that plays an important part in tissue healing following…
A New Study Presents Most Recent Data on Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease

A New Study Presents Most Recent Data on Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease

According to a new Global Burden of Disease (GBD) special study released today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, a world without…
Dementia Risk is increased by Hearing Loss

Dementia Risk is increased by Hearing Loss

Researchers discovered a correlation between hearing loss and the onset of dementia in a recent study that included data from 573,088 people. This is the…
Iron Poisoning

Iron Poisoning

Iron poisoning, also known as iron toxicity or iron overdose, happens when the body has an excess of iron. It is usually caused by ingesting…
Thallium Poisoning

Thallium Poisoning

Thallium is a heavy metal that has the potential to be extremely hazardous to humans. Thallium poisoning is caused by thallium and its derivatives, which…
Cobalt Poisoning

Cobalt Poisoning

Cobalt poisoning occurs when there is an excess of cobalt in the body, resulting in negative health repercussions. It is a form of intoxication produced…
Heterotrophic Nutrition – a type of nutrition

Heterotrophic Nutrition – a type of nutrition

Heterotrophic nutrition refers to the process by which organisms get organic molecules and nutrients from other species. It is a type of nutrition in which…
Management of Depression

Management of Depression

Managing depression often entails a combination of therapy, lifestyle, and, in some cases, pharmaceutical therapies. Depression treatment may include a variety of therapies such as…
One of Your New Year’s Resolutions should be to Eat less Fat

One of Your New Year’s Resolutions should be to Eat less Fat

A new study to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions: it shows that high-fat diets have a detrimental influence on genes connected to…
Cadmium Poisoning

Cadmium Poisoning

Cadmium poisoning occurs when a person is exposed to excessive concentrations of cadmium, a poisonous heavy metal. Cadmium occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust, but…
Obesity may be Prevented by a certain Genetic Variation

Obesity may be Prevented by a certain Genetic Variation

A preclinical study conducted by Weill Cornell Medicine researchers reveals that a certain human genetic variant of an insulin-stimulating receptor may help individuals be more…
Childhood Physical Fitness Predicts Adolescent Cerebellar Volume

Childhood Physical Fitness Predicts Adolescent Cerebellar Volume

Physical fitness has been linked to cerebellar grey matter volume in adolescents since childhood. According to a recent study conducted at the University of Jyväskylä…
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