Pluto Has an Ice Volcano Taller Than the Andes Reanalysis of photos acquired by the New Horizons spacecraft in 2015 found mountains on Pluto, at least one of which rises higher than any on…
What is Supermoon and when does it Happen? When the full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit, it is called a supermoon. Supermoons make the moon appear…
Gliese 3470 b – an Exoplanet Gliese 3470 b is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 3470 in the Cancer constellation. It is an exoplanet similar to Neptune that orbits…
Causes behind the Majority of Galaxies to Move Away from Us Galaxies are also moving apart due to the expansion of the Universe caused by the Big Bang. A galaxy that is part of a collection…
Largest Quake on Mars has been detected by NASA’s InSight Lander On May 4, a magnitude 5 earthquake struck the surface of Mars, the biggest temblor ever observed not only on Mars, but on any planet…
NASA has Discovered a Massive, Glowing ‘Hydrogen Wall’ at the Solar System’s Edge The huge flaming orb churns forth a continual onslaught of charged particles known as the solar wind. Auroras dance in our polar sky due to…
The Largest Moon of Pluto might Give an Orbiter an (almost) Free Ride Charon, the largest of the dwarf planets, is tidally locked with Pluto and is enormous enough to be considered a double dwarf planet. It took…
KELT-9b – an Exoplanet KELT-9b is an exoplanet—specifically, an ultra-hot Jupiter—that orbits the late B-type/early A-type star KELT-9, which is around 670 light-years away from Earth. It is a…
KELT-2A – a Yellow White Dwarf Star KELT-2A is a yellow-white dwarf star located in the constellation Auriga around 440 light-years distant. This star has an apparent magnitude of 8.77, which means…
Elon Musk Is Worth Over $250 Billion, New Analysis Predicts He’ll Be a Trillionaire By 2024 Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, is on his way to becoming the world’s first trillionaire. According to Bloomberg, Musk has a net worth of…
Astrophotographer Snaps Incredible Photo of Astronauts on a Spacewalk from Earth From Earth, astronomers frequently capture magnificent photos of faraway galaxies, planets, and moons. Last week, though, Dr. Sebastain Voltmer recorded something completely different, yet as…
We’re Getting Closer to Understanding the Mysterious Swirls on the Moon Swirls, which may be kilometers long and are seen nowhere else on the planet, are visible on the lunar surface. The reason of these swirls…