The Heat Shield Modeling Gaps Found in Galileo’s Jupiter Entry Probe In 1995, the Galileo mission’s entry probe burst into the atmosphere of Jupiter in a blazing fashion. The probe transmitted information regarding the burning of…
Laughing Gas Discovered in Space could be the Beginning of Life Scientists at UC Riverside are suggesting something is missing from the typical roster of chemicals that astrobiologists use to search for life on planets around…
Spin Flips Depict the formation of Galaxies from the Cosmic Web The alignment between galaxy spins and the large-scale structure of the universe reveals the processes by which different components of galaxies form. The large-scale structure…
Debris from the Asteroid impact Extend over 6,000 Kilometers A new image captured by a Chilean telescope appears to be a dazzling comet streaking across the night sky, followed by a long, glowing tail.…
Hubble Discovers a Magnificent Spiral Galaxy The stately sweeping spiral arms of the spiral galaxy NGC 5495 are revealed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 in this…
At High Energies, Cosmic Ray Protons Show New Spectral Structures Cosmic rays constitute high-energy protons and atomic nuclei that originate from stars (both within our galaxy and from other galaxies) and are accelerated by supernovae…
How a NASA Scientist Searches for Water on Jupiter in the Great Red Spot’s Depths Scientists have been attempting to comprehend the composition of Jupiter for millennia. It makes sense given that this enigmatic planet is chemically the Sun’s closest…
First Convincing Proof of a Moon outside Our Solar System Discovered by Astronomers With the aid of NASA’s Hubble and Kepler space telescopes, two astronomers from Columbia University have compiled convincing proof of the presence of a moon…
Recently Acquired Former King of Kepler-88 Planetary System Deposed by Exoplanet King of our solar system. The planet Jupiter, which bears the name of the most potent deity in the Greek pantheon, has dominated the other…
A Dwarf Galaxy’s Gamma Rays Solve an Astronomical Mystery Since its discovery in 2012, astronomers have been perplexed by a glowing blob known as “the cocoon,” which appears to be inside one of the…
Potential Cause of the Huge Ring-Like Structure on Ganymede’s Surface A thorough reanalysis of the image data from the Voyager 1, 2, and Galileo spacecraft was carried out by scientists from Kobe University and the…
Theories of How Planets form are Put to the Test by a Puzzling Six-Exoplanet System with Rhythmic Movement A system of six exoplanets has been discovered by scientists using a variety of telescopes, including the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory…