HD 179821 – a Yellow-white Main-sequence Star

HD 179821 – a Yellow-white Main-sequence Star

HD 179821 is a star located approximately 95 light years from Earth in the constellation Aquarius. It is a yellow-white main-sequence star with a spectral…
HD 101584 – a main-sequence star

HD 101584 – a main-sequence star

HD 101584 is a star located in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is a suspected post-common envelope binary located in the constellation Centaurus, approximately 1,800 to…
Red Square Nebula

Red Square Nebula

The Red Square Nebula is a planetary nebula located in the constellation of Pisces, it is known for its distinctive, square-shaped appearance in images and…
Westbrook Nebula

Westbrook Nebula

The Westbrook Nebula is a cloud of gas and dust in the galaxy that is thought to be a site of star formation. It is…
Amazing Video Depicts Planets Circling a Star 133 Light-years Away from Earth

Amazing Video Depicts Planets Circling a Star 133 Light-years Away from Earth

A time-lapse film of four planets larger than Jupiter as they orbit their star was created by Northwestern University astrophysicist Jason Wang after more than…
Were Galaxies very Different in the Beginning of Time?

Were Galaxies very Different in the Beginning of Time?

Galaxies in the early universe were different from present-day galaxies. In the early universe, galaxies were smaller, more chaotic, and less well-formed than they are…
Records are Broken by Ultracool Dwarf Binary Stars

Records are Broken by Ultracool Dwarf Binary Stars

Ultracool dwarf binary stars, also known as brown dwarf binaries, are a type of celestial object consisting of two brown dwarfs in close orbit around…
Water Lily Nebula

Water Lily Nebula

The Water Lily Nebula is a nickname for the planetary nebula NGC 1514, located in the constellation Taurus. Planetary nebulae are formed from the ejected…
Cotton Candy Nebula

Cotton Candy Nebula

The Cotton Candy Nebula is a nickname for the planetary nebula NGC 246, which is located in the constellation Cetus. It gets its nickname from…
Red Rectangle Nebula

Red Rectangle Nebula

The Red Rectangle Nebula (also known as HD 44179) is a planetary nebula located about 2,300 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Monoceros. It…
Frosty Leo Nebula – a planetary nebula

Frosty Leo Nebula – a planetary nebula

The Frosty Leo Nebula is a nickname for a planetary nebula named NGC 3195. It is located in the constellation Leo and is known for…
The Discovery of a Second Earth-sized World in a Planetary System

The Discovery of a Second Earth-sized World in a Planetary System

There have been many discoveries of exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) that are similar in size to Earth. These exoplanets are found using various…
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