Agricultural Ontology Service

Agricultural Ontology Service

Agricultural Ontology Service (AOS) is a proposal to create a knowledge organisation framework in the area of food and agriculture. The purpose of the AOS is…
International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Information Systems for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) was the enhancement of the accessibility of the outputs of research, primarily in agriculture but also in health…
Agricultural Information Management Standards

Agricultural Information Management Standards

Agricultural Information Management Standards(AIMS) supports standards, technology and good practices for open access and open data in the agricultural domain. Its goal is to empower…
Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science

General objective of this article is to focus on Agricultural Science. Agricultural science is a field of biology. This science completely describe on Production techniques, Improving agricultural productivity in…
Horticultural Therapy

Horticultural Therapy

Horticultural therapy is defined through the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA) because engagement of an individual in gardening in addition to plant-based activities, facilitated by…
Prime Farmland

Prime Farmland

Prime farmland “has the soil quality, developing season, and moisture supply necessary to produce economically continual high yields of crops when treated and managed in…


In agriculture, horticulture contrasts together with extensive field farming together with animal husbandry. Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that refers to the art, technology,…
Tree Breeding

Tree Breeding

Tree breeders make efforts to have their operation successful by optimising tree breeding. Scientists develop tools geared towards improvement of the efficiency of tree breeding…
Genetically Modified Tree

Genetically Modified Tree

The genetically modified tree is a tree whose DNA may be modified using ancestral engineering techniques. In most cases the aim is usually to introduce…


Floriculture plant life include bedding crops, houseplants, flowering lawn and pot crops, cut cultivated vegetables, and cut flowers. As distinguished from nursery crops, floriculture crops…
Iron Fertilization

Iron Fertilization

Iron is a trace element necessary for photosynthesis in most plants. Iron fertilization is the intentional introduction of iron for the upper ocean to be…
Ecological Farming

Ecological Farming

Ecological farming involves the introduction of symbiotic varieties, where possible, to aid the ecological sustainability on the farm. Associated benefits include a reduction in ecological…
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