Biological Diversity

Biological Diversity

Biodiversity is life. Short for biological diversity, biodiversity refers to all life on Earth. It includes everything from micro-organisms to towering trees, tiny insects to…
Job Proposal Letter to Candidate

Job Proposal Letter to Candidate

[Sending a job offer to a candidate is never easy. A job proposal letter is usually written by a company to a candidate whose profile…
Arizona Testing Gas Chambers For Capital Punishment using Zyklon B, Documents Show

Arizona Testing Gas Chambers For Capital Punishment using Zyklon B, Documents Show

Since the death penalty was introduced in the United States in 1608, various methods have been developed in an attempt to execute punishment in the…
World Vitiligo Day (WVD)

World Vitiligo Day (WVD)

Every year on June 25th, World Vitiligo Day is commemorated to promote awareness for vitiligo, a disfiguring inflammatory illness that causes white spots on the…
A beautiful bird “Griffon Vulture”

A beautiful bird “Griffon Vulture”

The griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), also called the Eurasian Griffon, is a large Old-World vulture belonging to the Accipitridae family of birds of prey. It…
The Speech on Importance of Exercise

The Speech on Importance of Exercise

A very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening (Ladies and Gentlemen) to Honorable Sir/Madam, respected teachers, parents, seniors, and my dear friends/students, Warm Greetings to Everyone! Thank you all…
Ways to be Healthy – an Open Speech

Ways to be Healthy – an Open Speech

To be healthy is simple and easy. Just live a healthy lifestyle by following a healthy diet and doing regular exercise. All of us know…
Good Governance – Manage a Country’s Resources and Affairs

Good Governance – Manage a Country’s Resources and Affairs

In the last decade, development literature increasingly emphasized the role played by good governance in maximizing the effectiveness of the development dollar and in achieving…
Sample Counter Proposal Letter Format

Sample Counter Proposal Letter Format

[This letter is written when a company receives a proposal letter from another company. Writing a letter to inform the company about the acceptance is…
Importance of Music in Our Life

Importance of Music in Our Life

Music is the use of instruments and vocals to create calming sound and tone, either in a single running melody or in multiples (harmony). It’s…
A beautiful bird “Rainbow Lorikeet”

A beautiful bird “Rainbow Lorikeet”

The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is found along the eastern coast of Australia, from northern Queensland to southern Australia. It can be found from northern…
World Music Day

World Music Day

Every year on June 21st, World Music Day or Make Music Day, also known in English as Music Day, is commemorated in over 120 countries,…
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