Loan Recovery System of Bangladesh Development Bank

Loan Recovery System of Bangladesh Development Bank

Executive Summary Banking is now one of the fastest growing and potential industries in all over the world. Bangladesh Development Bank Limited (BDBL) is a…
An Overview Of General Banking Of Basic Bank Limited.

An Overview Of General Banking Of Basic Bank Limited.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The BASIC Bank Limited (Bangladesh Small Industries and Commerce Bank Limited) established as a banking company under the erstwhile Companies Act 1913 launched…
Credit Management at Rupali Bank Limited

Credit Management at Rupali Bank Limited

Conceptual Framework Credit is general sense means an act of allowing person or persons immediate use of money with payment deferred until an agreed future…
Human Resource Management Activities of SARP

Human Resource Management Activities of SARP

 Introduction: In a world increasingly characterized by globalization of product markets, the importance of human capital as a resource that can potentially provide competitive advantage…
Analysis of Foreign Exchange Banking Services of BASIC Bank Limited

Analysis of Foreign Exchange Banking Services of BASIC Bank Limited

Executive Summary BBA is a professional degree. To fulfill this degree Internship course is a associate course which enable the  students to gather practical experience…
General Banking Division of Bank Asia Limited.

General Banking Division of Bank Asia Limited.

Executive Summary For my internship program, I have got the opportunity to work at one of the leading local commercial banks – the Bank Asia…
Business Credit Performance of Bank Asia Limited

Business Credit Performance of Bank Asia Limited

A core objective of this paper is to find out the credit performance of Bank Asia, Uttara branch and its management. This paper has been…
Foreign Exchange Operations of Agrani Bank Limited

Foreign Exchange Operations of Agrani Bank Limited

Introduction: Foreign trade can be easily defined as a business activity, which transcends national boundaries. These may be between parties or government ones. Trades among…
Comprehensive Study on Bangladesh Development Bank

Comprehensive Study on Bangladesh Development Bank

Introduction Today’s business world is dynamic and competitive therefore organizations looking for talent, extrovert graduates who belong to high degree of adaptability quality. Today’s business…
Analysis of Trust Bank Limited Regarding General Banking

Analysis of Trust Bank Limited Regarding General Banking

Introduction Banks are financial institutions or financial intermediary that collect fund from people as deposit and lend this fund as loans and advances to the…
CSR Status of First Security Islami Bank Limited

CSR Status of First Security Islami Bank Limited

Introduction CSR is a crosscutting topic under which numerous issues can be  grouped including training and education, capacity building, leadership, health and safety, working conditions,…
Exploring Employee Satisfaction Regarding Compensation Practices

Exploring Employee Satisfaction Regarding Compensation Practices

Introduction Early banking system served mainly as depositors for funds, while the more modern system has considered the supplying of credit their main purpose. A…
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