Return on Net Assets

Return on Net Assets

The return on net assets (RONA) is a measure of the financial performance of a company that takes the use of assets into account. It…
Time to Value

Time to Value

Time to value (TTV) is similar to return on investment (ROI), but instead of realizing the financial success of an investment, it implies achieving the…
Return on Marketing Investment

Return on Marketing Investment

Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is a metric used in online marketing to measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. ROMI is the contribution to profit…
Approaches of Calculating Cost of Ordinary Shares

Approaches of Calculating Cost of Ordinary Shares

An ordinary share is the sum of money raised by a corporate from private and public sources through the issue of its common shares. Cost…


A scrip is better known as a substitute or alternative to legal tender. It is a provisional certificate for shares or debentures. Holding a scrip…
Amortized Bond

Amortized Bond

An amortized bond is one in which, over the life of the bond, the principal (face value) on the debt is periodically repaid along with…
Share Warrant

Share Warrant

Share Warrant A document that indicates that the bearer of the share warrant is entitled to the specified number of shares is a share warrant.…
Coupon Bond

Coupon Bond

A coupon bond is a debt obligation with coupons attached that reflect semi-annual interest payments, often referred to as a bearer bond or bond coupon.…
Pass-Through Rate

Pass-Through Rate

A pass-through rate is the interest rate on a securitized asset, such as a mortgage-backed security (MBS) that is paid to investors after the issuer…
Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)

Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)

A Mortgage-backed Security (MBS) is security of debt collateralized by a mortgage or by a mortgage collection. Periodic payments similar to bond coupon payments are…
Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO)

Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO)

A collateralized debt obligation (CDO) is a type of credit subordinate and a type of organized structured asset-backed security (ABS). The CDO is a synthetic…


As part of the same deal, a tranche is one of a variety of linked securities offered. It allows investors to invest with comparable risks…
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