The gas falling towards the center of a galaxy is the main driver of the formation of new stars and the growth of supermassive black holes. Most of this gas is hydrogen but it contains more complex molecules especially water.
However, there are many questions about the details of how astronomers translate the formation of strolls, some of which have now been answered using telescopes that can look at infrared to detect spectral lines from water and other molecules. The ESO 320-G030 is a “Starburst Galaxy” that emits about a hundred times more energy than the Milky Way and produces 18 times faster speeds than stars.

It is driven by the flow of gas, but as we struggle to see the origin of our own galaxy, attempts to observe the connection by dust-blocking light around the galactic center of relative wavelengths have been interrupted. Professor Eduardo Gonzalez-Alfonso Herschel of the Alcalá University in Spain has used infrared observations of the ESO 320-G030, taken from the Space Observatory and the ALMA submillimeter facility, to see longer wavelengths than large telescopes. In astronomy and astrophysics, Gonzalez-Alfonso and co-authors used a variety of spectral lines produced by water molecules under different conditions to measure the rate of gas flow in the central region of ESO 320-G030 of 18 solar masses in one year.
This is exactly the rate at which new stars are being created. Such rapid flows are expected to last only about 20 million years, after which the likelihood of their formation will also slow down. The authors then observed spectra of 17 other molecules that also formed part of the flow to explore the chemistry of the galactic core, the disk, and the surrounding envelope. ESO 320-G030 is 160 million light years away. Although close to the standards of the entire universe, we are still far from the galaxy we study in the most detail.
According to the paper it is “exceptional in the local universe”, in light of its brightness and rapid development, especially considering it shows no signs of recent integration with another galaxy. Moreover, the ESO 320-G030 is a forbidden spiral, and the authors think it may be the key to understanding this galactic class. Obstacle spiral galaxies, as the name implies, appear to have a rigid bar extending from the edges of the arms extending to either end of the central bulge.