
Social Class in Socialization Process

Social Class in Socialization Process

Social Class in Socialization Process

Socialization is a process of social interactions in which individuals can gain their personalities and societal culture. Every society builds an institutional framework within which socialization of the child takes place. The term socialization refers to the process of interaction through which the growing individual learns the habits, attitudes, values, and beliefs of the social group into which he has been born. Culture is transmitted through the communication they have with one another and communication thus comes to be the essence of the process of cultural transmission. In a society, there exists a number of agencies to socialize the child.

Social Class

Every social class has its own special culture represented in values, beliefs, and behavior patterns. It forms a framework which is a base for parental practices in socialization. Kohn, explored differences in how parents raise their children relative to their social class. Kohn found that lower class parents were more likely to emphasize conformity in their children whereas middle-class parents were more likely to emphasize creativity and self-reliance. For example, parents who belong to low social classes appreciate and value respect, obedience, and principle compared with middle-class parents. The former concentrate on a child’s internal development, on developing a sense of responsibility and its bearing, on a child’s self-control, on achievement and accomplishment aims.

In general, a social class has an effect on children at their different age stages for its basic role in building their personalities and perfectness, and through which children can gain customs, habits, attitudes, and values prevailing and common in their social environment. Ellis et. al. proposed and found that parents value conformity over self-reliance in children to the extent that conformity superseded self-reliance as a criterion for success in their own endeavors. In other words, Ellis et. al. verified that the reason lower-class parents emphasize conformity in their children is that they experience conformity in their day-to-day activities


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