
Sample Warning Letter format to Teacher for Corporal Punishment

Sample Warning Letter format to Teacher for Corporal Punishment

Sample Warning Letter format to Teacher for Corporal Punishment

[This is a Sample Warning Letter format to Teacher for Corporal Punishment. Corporal punishment has been banned in the majority of the schools around the world due to its harsh nature. Education needs to learn with politeness and kindness, torturing physically is not the way. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Teacher name…

Job designation…

Subject and department name…

Sub: Warning Letter to Teacher for Corporal Punishment

Dear (name),

I am writing to you because I have been given the task of giving you a final warning in writing. As you know as teachers we have a responsibility of care to all our students. (Describe in your own words). We have a limit a boundary line on how far we can go into punishing them. You have already been given two warnings over the past two months so this is your final warning. (Explain all about the situation).

If you ever hit a student or even threaten one you will be out of a job and I will personally make sure that you never work in a school again. (Describe actual problem and situation). I will be keeping a close eye on you in the future and if I hear from anyone that you have hit a student in any way you can kiss your teaching career goodbye. I hope that you have taken everything that I have said into consideration and that you will never again his a student. (describe your requirement and managerial decision). I look forward to seeing what you have decided to do.

Kind regards,

Your name…


School/Institute name…