
Sample Holiday Letter Format

Sample Holiday Letter Format

[A holiday letter is written with the intent of writing to a very dear friend/close person the details of a holiday one has been on. A holiday letter is commonly an informal letter, filled with references to friendships and family, food, and social gatherings. Such letters are descriptive of the destination of travel while being reminiscent of one’s place of origin or hometown. A holiday letter is typically long, written with plenty of interjections, conjunctions, and references, or indirect speech.]


Sender/Your Name…

Home/Office Address…

Date- DD/MM/YY


Receiver Name…

Home/Office Address…


Greetings from [insert name of the place you’re in]!

It’s heavenly here, and I wish you were here with me. (Describe in your words). We’d enjoy the sights so well together. (Describe your affection). The architecture is just the type you love. And the food is delicious! (Explain your feelings). I’ve clicked a lot of photographs of the people and the places and the shops and the clothes around here—I’m sure you’ll enjoy them all. (Describe all about the situation).

How’s life there? Can’t wait to be back home— I am feeling homesick already. (Cordially describe your greetings). Give my love to your parents. Only a week more and then I’ll be back.

Waiting to see you soon,


 [Your name]

Address and Contact Info…

Another Format, [Email Format],

TO: Receiver Mail Address, [email protected]

From: Sender Mail Adders, [email protected]

Subject: Permission for Holiday

Dear (name of recipient)

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be unable to attend office for (Date) days (mention duration) from (Date) to (mention dates) since (briefly give reason). (Describe all about the situation). I will report back for work on (mention the date you would be rejoining).

I will complete my tasks and confirm the same to you before departure. (Describe all about the situation). I will also brief and hand over my duties and responsibilities to (name colleague).

You can contact me on (provide emergency contact details) in the case of any urgent situation. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). I request you to approve my holiday for kindly (Date) days and oblige.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours sincerely,

 (Sender’s name)

Contact Info…