
Sample Festival Agenda Format

Sample Festival Agenda Format

Sample Festival Agenda Format

[Preparing a festival agenda will require some effort from you because this is a task which cannot be assigned to another individual. You cannot approach a meeting without an objective, and therefore you need to make your team aware of your plans and the approach you intend to adopt during the festival.]

Points to consider while drafting Festival Agendas –

  • You must set schedules for the activities which can be expected in the program.
  • Since you are preparing for an upcoming festival, you are advised to make notes on any ideas suggested by your members and also develop creative activities which can be enjoyed by people.
  • If you intend to make your festival event successful, you also need to have some dedicated members who can help you achieve your objective.

Example of Festival Agenda –

Fourth of July — Festival of Balloons Committee

Special Meeting Agenda

[From The Chairman],

[Day, Date And Time of Meeting]

1. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance — by the chairman

2. Minutes for approval from the previous meeting.

3. Comments on matters not mentioned on the agenda — public participation with three minutes allowed for every speaker.

Action and/or discussion items

4 Old business — presented by the chairman.

5. New business — presented by the chairman.

6. Treasurers report — presented by [name of the individual].

7. Parade.

A) The theme of the event.

B) Cars.

C) Posters.

D) Decorations.

E) Programs.

8. Sound and park and Food booths.

9. Fireworks and stadium.

A) Down payment for Pyro spectacular.

B) Tickets.


11. Security.

12. race

13. Staff liaison report.

14. Adjournment.

The facilities of the festival are accessible to people with disabilities. People who need assistance to participate in the meeting contact the city clerk’s office on the telephone number [telephone number] at least 72 hours prior to the festivities to ensure reasonable arguments are made for the participation.


Another Example of Festival Agenda –


[From Name of the Organizer Of the Event]

Festival And Parade Committee Meeting Agenda

The meeting will be held at the [location of the meeting] at [time].

The agenda of the meeting is as follows.

I. Call to order.

II. Review of the agenda.

III. Approval of the minutes.

IV. New business

A) community events of the festival and discussion of parade fund as well as funds available.

B) donations from businesses or developers.

C) summer fest with a band, liability insurance update, food vendor update, silent auction update, volunteers, and scheduling.

D) advertising for the summer fest update.

V. Adjournment.

[Note: Festivals being special occasions will be putting pressure on everyone to meet time frames they have set as well as people they are looking forward to meeting. In such conditions, trying to accomplish your objectives without an agenda will not only be difficult but will also be impossible.]